Algengi þvagleka meðal vistfólks nokkurra öldrunarstofnana í Reykjavík : framvinda þvagleka og tengsl við færni

Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open) A prevalence study of urinary incontinence was performed on patients and residents in the City Hospital geriatric wards and associated nursing homes. Information on urinary incontinence was o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sólveig Benjamínsdóttir, Anna Birna Jensdóttir, Ársæll Jónsson
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Læknafélag Íslands, Læknafélag Reykjavíkur 2010
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Summary:Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open) A prevalence study of urinary incontinence was performed on patients and residents in the City Hospital geriatric wards and associated nursing homes. Information on urinary incontinence was obtained from nursing staff. Included in the study were 220 patients, 173 women and 47 men. Of all patients^ 53% were found to be incontinent of urine, the rate being equal for both men and women. Cognitive function, mobility and self sufficiency was graded into three functional categories. Urinary incontinence was strongly related with other disability and found in 82% of those with most severe dementia, in 92% of the least mobile people and in 87% of the least self sufficient ones. After six months, only two people had regained continence and seven people had .become incontinent of urine. In one year, 55 people had died and 37 (67%) had belonged to the group of urinary incontinence. By this time the mortality rate for the incontinent group had become significantly higher (p<0.05). Rannsókn á algengi þvagleka var gerð á sjúklingum og vistmönnum öldrunardeilda Borgarspítalans og vistheimilum tengdum þeim. Jafnframt var hreyfigeta, sjálfsbjargargeta og skilvitund metin. Alls voru 220 manns í rannsókninni, 173 konur og 47 karlar. Algengi þvagleka reyndist 53% meðal kvenna og 51% meðal karla. Þvagleki var áberandi tengdur skertri færni; 92% hreyfihamlaðasta fólksins var með þvagleka og 82% þeirra sem höfðu langt gengna heilabilun. Eftir sex mánuði var hópurinn endurmetinn og höfðu þá 25 manns látist. Lítil breyting hafði orðið á stjórnun þvagláta meðal eftirlifenda. Eftir ár höfðu 55 látist, þar af 37 úr hópnum með þvagleka og reyndist sá munur tölfræðilega marktækur. Þvagleki batnaði ekki hjá rannsóknarhópnum og lífshorfur sjúklinga með þvagleka voru marktækt skertar.