Röntgen- og aðrar myndgreiningarrannsóknir á Íslandi 1993 : yfirlit og samanburður við fyrri ár

Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open A country-wide survey of the use and utilization of medical imaging in Iceland was undertaken, by gathering of available information for the year 1993. The aim was primarily to assess the overall consump...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Guðlaugur Einarsson, Ásmundur Brekkan
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Læknafélag Íslands, Læknafélag Reykjavíkur 2009
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/2336/67793
Summary:Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open A country-wide survey of the use and utilization of medical imaging in Iceland was undertaken, by gathering of available information for the year 1993. The aim was primarily to assess the overall consumption of these services, with regard to radiation and the impact of other imaging modalities. Reference was made to earlier studies of the same kind adding a more specified break-down of information regarding age and sex as well as types of examination. The results are presented in tables and figures with accompanying text in English. The conclusions may be summed up as follows: 1: The average yearly increase in diagnostic imaging using ionizing radiation for the past 10 years was 1.7%, whereas the total average yearly increase of diagnostic imaging was 3.6%. This difference may be almost exclusively attributed to the increase in the use of ultrasound. 2: Although x-ray facilities are quite widely distributed, mainly due to geographic reasons, the main bulk of all examinations are made in a few specialised departments, and 92.8% of all examinations made are supervised by specialists in radiology, either directly or by consultation. 3: The overall number of examinations per 1000 population was 680, having increased from 555 in 1984. Comparable figures (1990) were 800 in the U.S. and 465 in the U.K. Safnað var upplýsingum um fjölda og flokkun röntgenrannsókna á Íslandi, sem gerðar voru árið 1993. Markmiðið var að meta umfang þessarar þjónustu með tilliti til geislunar ásamt áhrifum annarra myndgreiningaraðferða. Gerður var samanburður við eldri rannsóknir á sama viðfangsefni, en upplýsingar voru flokkaðar nákvæmar eftir tegund rannsókna og aldri og kyni sjúklinga. Niðurstöðurnar eru kynntar í töflum og þær má draga saman í eftirfarandi: 1) Árleg meðalaukning myndgreiningarrannsókna með jónandi geislun er 1,7% síðustu 10 ár, en heildaraukning myndgreiningarrannsókna er 3,6% á ári. Þessi munur er nær eingöngu vegna ...