Public beliefs about cause and risk of depression in Iceland: a pilot study

To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files Abstract The aim of this pilot study was to explore attitudes of the Icelandic public towards causes and risks of depres...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sonja Stelly Gústafsdóttir
Other Authors: Heilbrigðisvísindasviði Háskólans á Akureyri
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Iðjuþjálfafélag Íslands 2018
Online Access:
Summary:To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files Abstract The aim of this pilot study was to explore attitudes of the Icelandic public towards causes and risks of depression. A cross-sectional survey was conducted, employing a questionnaire and a vignette of a person with depression. A convenience sample of 100 people was used with a response rate of 85%. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests. Overall, the participants perceived both causes and risks to involve genetics, personality traits and lack of coping strategies. The belief in the importance of social stressors as a cause and risk factor of depression was predominant. Problems from childhood and day to day problems were considered to be the most likely causes of depression, but unemployment, being divorced and belonging to a low socioeconomic group the most likely risk. Factors that generally imply negative attitudes towards a person with depression were also seen as a likely cause. Public beliefs about mental health issues provide important information which can be used to promote mental health and develop services, in order to tackle depression as a public health issue. Keywords: Public beliefs, depression, causes, risks. Útdráttur Geðrænir sjúkdómar, líkt og þunglyndi, eru taldir ein stærsta lýðheilsuáskorun í Evrópu þar sem gera má ráð fyrir að einn af hverjum fjórum finni fyrir einkennum þunglyndis einhvern tíma á ævinni. Algengi örorku vegna geð- eða hegðunarröskunar fer vaxandi á Íslandi og að sama skapi notkun þunglyndislyfja. Rannsóknir á viðhorfum fólks til heilsu og sjúkdóma getur gefið mikilvægar upplýsingar um hvaða skilning almenningur leggur í ýmis heilsutengd málefni. Að sama skapi geta hugmyndir fólks um orsakir geðræns vanda gefið vísbendingar um hvort og þá einnig hvert fólk leitar eftir faglegri aðstoð og hvaða augum það lítur einstaklinga sem greinast með geðsjúkdóm. Í þessari ...