Summary: | Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full text The WAIS-III is unstandardized in Iceland and foreign norms are used to interpret test results, with unknown consequences. The performance of 35 to 44 year old adults (N = 51; M = 39.6 years, SD = 2.7 years) on four comparable subtests of the WASI and WAISIII was compared. American norms were used to convert raw scores to scaled scores for the WAIS-III. Icelandic preliminary norms were used for the WASI. The preliminary norms are based on a sample that deviates slightly from the population´s male:female ratio and geographic regions. Educational level was adequately represented. Scaled scores on the Matrix Reasoning and the Similarities were significantly higher in WAIS-III than WASI but Block Design was significantly lower. The WAIS-III and WASI Vocabulary scores were comparable. When American norms were used to convert raw scores three of four subtests on the WASI were significantly higher than the American mean of 50. The results indicate that intellectual assessment is inaccurate when scaled scores are derived from foreign norms. The results are inconclusive as the Icelandic preliminary norms were based on a small sample. WAIS-III er óstaðlað hérlendis og túlkað út frá erlendum normum. Strangt til tekið eru afleiðingar þess ekki þekktar. Frammistaða fólks á aldrinum 35-44 ára (N = 51; M = 39,6 ár, sf = 2,7 ár) var borin saman á fjórum hliðstæðum undirprófum í WASI og WAIS-III. Bandarísk norm voru notuð til að reikna mælitölur undirprófa fyrir WAIS-III en íslensk bráðabirgðanorm fyrir WASI. Bráðabirgðanormin endurspegluðu ekki nákvæmlega búsetu og kynjahlutfall í þýði en viðunandi samræmi var í menntun. Rökþrautir og Líkingar voru marktækt hærri í WAIS-III en WASI en litafletir marktækt lægri. Ekki var marktækur munur á Orðskilningi. Þegar bandarísk norm voru notuð til að breyta stigum í mælitölur í WASI viku þrjú undirpróf marktækt frá 50 sem er meðaltal undirprófanna í bandarískum ...