Ójöfnuður í heilsufari á íslandi

Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Introduction: Studies have repeatedly shown that those in the lowest social strata, i.e. are low paid, less edu-cated, unskilled or unemployed, are less healthy and live shorter lives than others. The re...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hólmfríður K. Gunnarsdóttir
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Félag íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga 2007
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/2336/12893
Summary:Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Introduction: Studies have repeatedly shown that those in the lowest social strata, i.e. are low paid, less edu-cated, unskilled or unemployed, are less healthy and live shorter lives than others. The relationship between socioeconomic measures and health is weaker for women than for men. Inequality in health has not been highlighted in Iceland as the Icelandic society is said to be an egalitarian one. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore if inequality in health exists in Iceland. Material and methods: For this purpose the results of Icelandic studies on the Icelandic society and on the health of different groups in Iceland were reviewed. Results: The results clearly indicate that inequality in health exists in Iceland. Those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged; low paid, less educated, and unskilled, are less healthy and live shorter lives than others. This relationship is stronger for men than for women. Conclusions: Equal accessibility to health services may not be sufficient to solve the problem. Preventive measures and education must be intertwined in an economically egalitarian society. Nurses can play a key-role in public health. Knowledge of the society is a prerequisite when health promotion and public health planning is on the agenda. Inngangur: Erlendar rannsóknir hafa ítrekað sýnt að þeir sem minnst mega sín, þ.e. hafa lág laun, stutta skólagöngu að baki og gegna ófaglærðum störfum eða eru atvinnulausir, búa við meira heilsuleysi og lifa skemur en aðrir. Ójöfnuður í heilsufari þjóðfélagshópa kemur skýrar fram hjá körlum en konum. Umræður um ójafnræði í heilsufari hafa farið lágt hérlendis enda sé hér þjóðfélag þar sem jöfnuður ríki. Tilgangur: Tilgangurinn með þessari könnun var að athuga hvort ójafnræðis gæti í heilsufari hérlendis. Efniviður og aðferðir: Með þetta markmið í huga voru skoðaðar niðurstöður íslenskra rannsókna á íslensku þjóðfélagi og heilsufari ólíkra hópa. Niðurstöður: ...