Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010

Preface Section 1: Interfacial Turbulence and Air-Water Scalar Transfer J. Hunt, S. Belcher, D. Stretch, S. Sajjadi, J. Clegg [1] S.A. Kitaigorodskii [13] S.A. Kitaigorodskii [29] Y. Toba [38] U.Schimpf, L. Nagel, B. Jähne [358] C.L. McNeil, E.A. D'Asaro, J.A. Nystuen [368] D. Turk, B. Petelin,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Hunt, J., Belcher, S., Stretch, D., Sajjadi, S., Clegg, J., Kitaigorodskii, S.A., Toba, Y., Turney, D., Banerjee, S., Janzen, J.G., Schulz, H.E., Handa, K., Shimada, S., Akiya, Y., Beya, J., Peirson, W., Banner, M., Nezu, I., Mizuno, S., Sanjou, M., Garbe, C.S., Tejada-Martínez, A.E., Toda, A., Takehara, K., Takano, Y., Etoh, T.G., Caulliez, G., Hung, L.-P., Tsai, W.-T., Akan, C., Khatiwala, S., Grosch, C.E., Jayathilake, P.G., Khoo, B.C., Rocholz, R., Tan, Z., Nicholson, D.P., Leifer, I., Cheong, K.B., Emerson, S.R., Hamme, R.C., Mischler, W., Simões, A.L.A., Jähne, B., Patro, R., Loh, K., Uittenbogaard, R., Jeong, D., Mori, N., Nakagawa, S., Soloviev, A., Fujimura, A., Gilman, M., Hühnerfuss, H., Monahan, E.C., Edson, J.B., Haus, B., Savelyev, I., Matt, S., Donelan, M., Rhee, S.H., Vlahos, P., Huebert, B.J., Richter, K.E., McNeil, C.L., Yan, X., Walker, J.W., Zappa, C.J., Ribas-Ribas, M., McGillis, W.R., Schimpf, U., Rutgersson, A., Sahlée, E., Nagel, L., Orton, P.M., D'Asaro, E.A., Nystuen, J.A., Gómez-Parra, A., Forja, J.M., Smedman, A.-S., Pettersson, H., Kahma, K.K., Perttilä, M., Park, G.-H., Chelton, D. B., Bell, T.G., Risien, C.M., Kondo, F., Suzuki, N., Gonzalez, B.C.G., Suzuki, Y., Wanninkhof, R., Johnson, M.T., Campos, J.R., Liss, P.S., Tsukamoto, O., Wanner, S., Lamon, A.W., Hughes, C., Drennan, W.M., Kiefhaber, D., Balschbach, G., Abe, A., Heinlein, A., Lee, G.A., Jirka, G.H., Kurose, R., Waite, C., Onesemo, P., Ninaus, G., Choi, Y.J., Takahashi, K., Baba, Y., Komori, S., Ohtsubo, S., Takagaki, N., Iwano, K.
Format: Book
Published: Kyoto University Press 2011
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Summary:Preface Section 1: Interfacial Turbulence and Air-Water Scalar Transfer J. Hunt, S. Belcher, D. Stretch, S. Sajjadi, J. Clegg [1] S.A. Kitaigorodskii [13] S.A. Kitaigorodskii [29] Y. Toba [38] U.Schimpf, L. Nagel, B. Jähne [358] C.L. McNeil, E.A. D'Asaro, J.A. Nystuen [368] D. Turk, B. Petelin, J.W. Book [377] M. Ribas-Ribas, A. Gómez-Parra, J.M. Forja [394] A. Rutgersson, A.-S. Smedman, E. Sahlée [406] H. Pettersson, K. K. Kahma, A. Rutgersson, M. Perttilä [420] Section 6: Global Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes R. Wanninkhof, G.-H. Park, D.B. Chelton, C.M. Risien [431] N. Suzuki, S. Komori, M.A. Donelan [445] Y. Suzuki, Y. Toba [452] M.T. Johnson, C. Hughes, T.G. Bell, P.S. Liss [464] Section 7: Advanced Measuring Techniques O. Tsukamoto, F. Kondo [485] R. Rocholz, S. Wanner, U. Schimpf, B. Jähne [496] B.C.G. Gonzalez, A.W. Lamon, J.G. Janzen, J.R. Campos, H.E. Schulz [507] E. Sahlée, K. Kahma, H. Pettersson, W.M. Drennan [516] D. Kiefhaber, R. Rocholz, G. Balschbach, B. Jähne [524] C.S. Garbe, A. Heinlein [535] Section 8: Environmental Problems Related to Air-Water Scalar Transfer W.L. Peirson, G.A. Lee, C. Waite, P. Onesemo, G. Ninaus [545] Y.J. Choi, A. Abe, K. Takahashi [559] Y. Baba, K. Takahashi [571] R. Onishi, K. Takahashi, S. Komori [582] [593] D. Turney, S. Banerjee [51] J.G. Janzen, H.E. Schulz, G.H. Jirka [65] S. Komori, R. Kurose, N. Takagaki, S. Ohtsubo, K. Iwano, K. Handa, S. Shimada [78] J. Beya, W. Peirson, M. Banner [90] S. Mizuno [104] M. Sanjou, I. Nezu, A. Toda [119] M. Sanjou, I. Nezu, Y. Akiya [129] K. Takehara, Y. Takano, T.G. Etoh [138] G. Caulliez [151] Section 2: Numerical Studies on Interfacial Turbulence and Scalar Transfer L.-P. Hung, C.S. Garbe, W.-T. Tsai [165] A. E. Tejada-Martínez, C. Akan, C.E. Grosch [177] W.-T. Tsai, L.-P. Hung [193] P.G. Jayathilake, B.C. Khoo, Zhijun Tan [200] H.E. Schulz, A.L.A. Simões, J.G. Janzen [208] Section 3: Bubble-Mediated Scalar Transfer D.P. Nicholson, S.R. Emerson, S. Khatiwala, R.C. Hamme [223] W. Mischler, R. Rocholz, B. Jähne [238] R. Patro, I. Leifer [249] K. Loh, K.B. Cheong, R. Uittenbogaard [262] N. Mori, S. Nakagawa [273] Section 4: Effects of Surfactants and Molecular Diffusivity on Turbulence and Scalar Transfer A. Soloviev, S. Matt, M. Gilman, H. Hühnerfuss, B. Haus, D. Jeong, I. Savelyev, M. Donelan [285] S. Matt, A. Fujimura, A. Soloviev, S.H. Rhee [299] P. Vlahos, E.C. Monahan, B.J.Huebert, J.B. Edson [313] K.E. Richter, B. Jähne [322] X. Yan, W.L. Peirson, J.W. Walker, M.L. Banner [333] Section 5: Field Measurements P.M. Orton, C.J. Zappa, W.R. McGillis [343] Turbulence and wave dynamics across gas-liquid interfaces The calculation of the gas transfer between the ocean and atmosphere The influence of wind wave breaking on the dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy in the upper ocean and its dependence on the stage of wind wave development Marvellous self-consistency inherent in wind waves : Its origin and some items related to air-sea transfers Near surface turbulence and its relationship to air-water gas transfer rates The 2009 SOPRAN active thermography pilot experiment in the Baltic Sea Observations of air-sea exchange of N2 and O2 during the passage of Hurricane Gustav in the Gulf of Mexico during 2008 The effect of high wind Bora events on water pCO2 and CO2 exchange in the coastal Northern Adriatic Seasonal sea-surface CO2 fugacity in the north-eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (southwest Iberian Peninsula) Including mixed layer convection when determining air-sea CO2 transfer velocity Air-sea carbon dioxide exchange during upwelling Impact of small-scale variability on air-sea CO2 fluxes The effect of wind variability on the air-sea CO2 gas flux estimation Future global mapping of air-sea CO2 flux by using wind and wind-wave distribution of CMIP3 multi-model ensemble A Rumsfeldian analysis of uncertainty in air-sea gas exchange Accurate measurement of air-sea CO2 flux with open-path Eddy-Covariance Combined Visualization of wind waves and water surface temperature Microscopic sensors for oxygen measurement at air-water interfaces and sediment biofilms Damping of humidity fluctuations in a closed-path system Improved Optical Instrument for the Measurement of Water Wave Statistics in the Field Friction Velocity from Active Thermography and Shape Analysis Evaporation mitigation by storage in rock and sand Development of oil-spill simulation system based on the global ocean-atmosphere model Structure variation dependence of tropical squall line on the tracer advection scheme in cloud-resolving model High-resolution simulations for turbulent clouds developing over the oce Author Index Turbulent gas flux measurements near the air-water interface in an oscillating-grid tank Sensible and latent heat transfer across the air-water interface in wind-driven turbulence Rainfall-generated, near-surface turbulence Effects of the mechanical wave propagating in the wind direction on currents and stresses across the air-water interface Turbulent transport in closed basin with wind-induced water waves PIV measurements of Langumuir circulation generated by wind-induced water waves Study of vortices near wind wave surfaces using high-speed video camera and MLS Wind wave breaking from micro to macroscale Validation of Eddy-renewal model by numerical simulation Mass transfer at the surface in LES of wind-driven shallow water flow with Langmuir circulation Characteristics of gas-flux density distribution at the water surfaces Numerical simulation of interfacial mass transfer using the immersed interface method Statistical approximations in gas-liquid mass transfer An inverse approach to estimate bubble-mediated air-sea gas flux from inert gas measurements Experimental setup for the investigation of bubble mediated gas exchange Gas transfer velocity of single CO2 bubbles Mass transfer across single bubbles Aeration of surf zone breaking waves Modification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part I: laboratory experiment Modification of turbulence at the air-sea interface due to the presence of surfactants and implications for gas exchange. Part II: numerical simulations Wind-dependence of DMS transfer velocity: Comparison of model with recent southern ocean observations A laboratory study of the Schmidt number dependency of air-water gas transfer On transitions in the Schmidt number dependency of low solubility gas transfer across air-water interfaces An autonomous self-orienting catamaran (SOCa) for measuring air-water fluxes and forcing