Summary: | During the year of 2005, a systematic research was undertaken with an objective to calculate a number of small mammal species in the town area. One of the many explored sites was the town park Ilidža. During the spring and summer season of 2005, the traps with the Trapist cheese and chicken were set in this part of town twice per season. During the spring season, 13 individuals of two species were captured: Apodemus sylvaticus (totally 12 individuals), and only one individual of species Microtus subterranus. During the summer season, 29 individuals of four species were captured: Apodemus sylvaticus (totally 24 individuals), Microtus subterranus (three individuals), and only one individual of two species: Rattus rattus and Sorex araneus. In total, during the spring and summer season, 42 individuals were caught, more precisely: 36 individuals of species Apodemus sylvaticus, four individuals of species Microtus subterranus, and only one individual of two species: Rattus rattus and Sorex araneus. All captured individuals were marked during the spring season, but only one marked individual of species Apodemus sylvaticus was caught in the summer season. This is a very firm evidence that the populations of the small mammals, especially these species, are extremely large in the town areas, predominantly on the park terrains.Key words: small mammals, spring, summer, season Tokom 2005. godine vršena su sistematska istraživanja čiji je cilj bio konstatiranje broja vrsta sitnih sisara u gradskoj zoni. Jedan od istraživanih lokaliteta bio je i gradski park Ilidža. Tokom proljeća i ljeta 2005. godine na ovom lokalitetu, u dva navrata po sezoni, postavljane su zamke, živolovke sa sirom trapistom i pilećom salamom kao mamcima. Tokom proljeća ulovljeno je ukupno 13 jedinki iz dvije vrste i to: vrsta Apodemus sylvaticus (ukupno 12 jedinki), te jedna jedinka vrste Microtus subterranus. Tokom ljeta 2005. ulovljeno je ukupno 29 jedinki iz četiri vrste i to: vrsta Apodemus sylvaticus (ukupno 24 jedinke), Microtus subterranus (tri jedinke), te po jedna jedinka iz vrsta Rattus rattus i Sorex araneus. Ukupno, tokom proljeća i ljeta, ulovljene su 42 jedinke, i to: 36 jedinki vrste Apodemus sylvaticus, četiri jedinke vrste Microtus subterranus, i po jedna jednika vrsta Rattus rattus i Sorex areneus. Sve ulovljene jedinke markirane su tokom proljeća, ali samo jedna markirana jedinka vrste Apodemus sylvaticus je ulovljena u toku ljeta, što predstavlja vrlo jasan dokaz da su populacije sitnih sisara, posebno ove vrste, izuzetno brojne u gradskim sredinama, posebno na parkovskim površinama.Ključne riječi: sitni sisari, proljeće, ljeto, sezona