Modern radiation-hygienic state of the territories of the Globus-4 and Gorizont-1 peaceful nuclear explosions in the Komi Republic

The article presents results of a study of the radiation environment on territories adjacent to the sites of the “Globus-4” and “Gorizont-1” peaceful nuclear explosions in the Komi Republic. Field survey was carried out in July 2021. The work provides an assessment of the radiation situation in term...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: A. M. Biblin, K. V. Varfolomeeva, K. A. Sednev, S. A. Ivanov, V. S. Repin, A. G. Georgieva, А. М. Библин, К. В. Варфоломеева, К. А. Седнев, С. А. Иванов, В. С. Репин, А. Г. Георгиева
Other Authors: The work was carried out within the framework of the State Contract No. with the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia and the sectoral program of Rospotrebnadzor for 2021–2025. “Scientific substantiation of the national system for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing, managing health risks and improving the quality of life of the population of Russia” on the topic: “Improving and developing methods for monitoring environmental objects in areas where peaceful nuclear explosions are carried out. Radiation–hygienic characteristics of sources of drinking water supply.”, Статья подготовлена в ходе выполнения работ по государственному контракту № от 20 мая 2020 г. «Разработка и научное обоснование радиационно-гигиенических требований к охранным зонам мирных ядерных взрывов при переводе их в стадию консервации» (шифр: «Мирные РАО–20») и отраслевой программы Роспотребнадзора на 2021–2025 гг. «Научное обоснование национальной системы обеспечения санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия, управления рисками здоровью и повышения качества жизни населения России» по теме: «Совершенствование и развитие методов мониторинга объектов окружающей среды в районах проведения мирных ядерных взрывов. Радиационно-гигиеническая характеристика источников питьевого водоснабжения».
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: NIIRG 2024
Online Access:
Summary:The article presents results of a study of the radiation environment on territories adjacent to the sites of the “Globus-4” and “Gorizont-1” peaceful nuclear explosions in the Komi Republic. Field survey was carried out in July 2021. The work provides an assessment of the radiation situation in terms of the main indicators: ambient dose equivalent rate, the content of anthropogenic radionuclides in soil, tritium in the water of water bodies and drinking water supply sources in the settlements nearest to the sites of the peaceful nuclear explosions. The values of gamma radiation ambient dose equivalent rate in all the surveyed territories are at the level of fluctuations of natural regional radiation background and amounted to 0.03 – 0.07 µSv/h in the territory of peaceful nuclear explosion “Globus-4”, 0.01 – 0.05 µSv/h in the territory of “Gorizont-1”. No contaminated soil areas with anthropogenicradionuclides were detected. Tritium activity concentration in water samples does not exceed 5 Bq/kg, which is typical for global levels of this radionuclide in water bodies. The study has shown that the radiation situation in the territory of peaceful nuclear explosions “Globus-4” and “Gorizont-1” meets the requirements of SanPiN “Ensuring radiation safety of the population living in the areas of (1965 – 1988) nuclear explosions for peaceful aims” and currently poses no threat to public health. A conservative dose estimate of additional anthropogenic exposure of individuals from the population from tritium intake with water from centralised water supply sources was 0.065 µSv/year. Longterm radiation safety of the researched territories requires organisation of radiation monitoring, determination of protected zone boundaries and installation of readable information signs warning about radiation hazard and prohibition of economic activities. В статье представлены результаты исследования радиационной обстановки территорий, прилегающих к местам проведения мирных ядерных взрывов «Глобус-4» и «Горизонт-1» в ...