Арктика как пространство межцивилизационного соперничества: вызовы и возможности для арктических государств

На современном этапе циркумполярное пространство перестает рассматриваться только с точки зрения концепции циркумполярной культуры и становится политической реальностью.Особенностью Арктического региона является то, что он состоит из сегментов национальных государств. Регион является сферой взаимоде...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zhuvaka, I.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University 2013
Online Access:https://visnukpfs.dp.ua/index.php/PFS/article/view/280
Summary:На современном этапе циркумполярное пространство перестает рассматриваться только с точки зрения концепции циркумполярной культуры и становится политической реальностью.Особенностью Арктического региона является то, что он состоит из сегментов национальных государств. Регион является сферой взаимодействия двух цивилизаций – западной и евразийской, которые в настоящее время вступили в борьбу за ресурсы и территорию Арктики. Purpose - analysis of the challenges and threats to the Arctic in the context of international rivalry in the region at the modern stage and consideration of possible variants of consequences of the confrontation for the arctic states.On the modern stage, the circumpolar space ceases considered only from the standpoint of the concept of circumpolar culture and becomes a political reality. A feature of the Arctic region is that it consists of the segments of national states. The region is the sphere of interaction of two civilizations - the Western and the Eurasian that now entered into a struggle for the resources and territory of the Arctic.The Arctic consists of a group of eight states whose territories are crossed by the Arctic Circle: Russia, Canada, USA, Norway and Denmark (because of Greenland), Finland, Iceland and Sweden.At the beginning of the XXI century, the strategic importance of the North increases and comes to the fore in the geopolitics of the Arctic and leading countries outside the region.Former impacts, at the modern stage of globalization, supplemented by new factors. Therefore, a large-scale extraction of hydrocarbons has grown and attracted transnational corporations to the Arctic. Development of dataflow and communications made the region less «distant», contributing its integration into the global world. Globalization has accelerated investment flows, which profoundly effect on the level of income of many indigenous peoples.The rapid melting of the ice surface provides opportunities of development of the vast reserves of mineral and biological raw materials, and makes it quite available for the shortest marine shipping trade route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean - both through the Northern Sea Route at the coast of Russia and through the Northwest Passage at coast of Canada. This will inevitably lead to the transformation of the global shipping and energy markets, unleashed the numerous international disputes and involving the new players to the region.Russia considers the Northern Sea Route its own transport communication. USA, Canada and the Scandinavian countries offer to «internationalize» it, and for an international governance of it to create a transarctic consortium, thereby displacing Russia from leadership above it. Unsolved issues include the separation of the longest and the most complicated continental shelf.The other range of problems linked with the resolution of disputes between Canada and the rest of the world. These problems are in determining of the legal status of the Northwest Passage, the demarcation of maritime borders between the United States and Canada in the Beaufort Sea, a dispute between Denmark and Canada about the rights of Hans Island, uninhabited rocks, which encircle waters of the Strait of Kennedy, which is rich on resources. One of the main variants of the separation the Arctic is a sectorial.Not only the U.S. but also the EU purposefully pursuing a policy of «internationalization» of the Arctic, submitting proposals to create a multilateral governance in the Arctic region. In the context of globalization escalates a geostrategic struggle for the Arctic, for the right to rule at high latitudes. In addition, there are signs of the beginning of a new wave of militarization of the Arctic. Primarily we are talking about confrontation of the USA and Russia.Struggle for the control over the Arctic is still in the early stage and does not accept acute forms. All of stakeholders still have time to take the initial positions in the future strategic competition. На сучасному етапі циркумполярний простір перестає розглядатися тільки з точки зору концепції циркумполярної культури і стає політичною реальністю. Особливістю Арктичного регіону є те, що він складається з сегментів національних держав. Регіон є сферою взаємодії двох цивілізацій - західної та євразійської, які в даний час вступили в боротьбу за ресурси та територію Арктики.