Summary:New estimates are suggested of harmonic constants of the tide for the summer (August) and winter (April) periods at the Sabetta, Utrenny posts, at the Tadibeyakha and Seyakha posts, as well as at the points of Cape Kharse, Cape Yaptik-Sale, Cape Kotelnikova and Cape Hampul-Yakha. The harmonic analysis of the tide was carried out using the least squares method according to the AARI version. According to AARI expedition observations in Sabetta for the period 2012–2016, and in Salman for the period 2016–2019, average vector estimates for each month of the year have been obtained. The observations were made using the ADCP device installed at autonomous buoy stations. Hourly level observations at the Seyakha and Tadibeyakha posts for the entire observation period from 1968 to 1992 were brought to a homogeneous form using the calibration method. The historical observations of the level at the points of Cape Kharse, Cape Yaptik-Sale, Cape Kotelnikova and Cape Khampul-Yakha, carried out in different years, are of scientific interest. Since the results of their processing and analysis in the original sources contained errors and did not include shallow water constituents, our analysis results are presented. Our tests show a significant contribution of shallow water constituents in the Ob’ Bay to the description of the tide curve and the calculation of the heights and times of high and low waters. Inter-annual and intra-annual estimation is given of the dispersions of the total and tidal level fluctuations in Seyakha and Tadibeyakha for the entire observation period. Comparison of the average seasonal course of the tide in the annual cycle based on the results of tide analysis in Seyakha and Tadibeyakha (XX century) and Sabetta and Utrenny (XXI century) shows significant differences. The study of surges of level is based on uniform series, as well as residual ones (observations minus predictions). Предложены новые оценки гармонических постоянных прилива на летний (август) и зимний (апрель) периоды на постах Сабетта, ...