Class analysis and Icelandic class studies

Class analysis is one of the main areas of sociology and intersects with most other sub-fields. Class analysis refers to the theoretical perspective that is grounded in empirical research on the various manifestations of class division. In Iceland, class analysis of modern society can be traced back...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Oddsson, Guðmundur
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: School of Social Sciences 2023
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Summary:Class analysis is one of the main areas of sociology and intersects with most other sub-fields. Class analysis refers to the theoretical perspective that is grounded in empirical research on the various manifestations of class division. In Iceland, class analysis of modern society can be traced back to the mid-20th century, but this field of inquiry did not gain a foothold in this country until the late 1970s and early 1980s. There was limited study of contemporary class dynamics over the next two decades, but Icelandic class analysis has enjoyed a resurgence since the 2008 economic collapse. This article discusses class analysis as a sub-field of sociology and reviews Icelandic class research, particularly in the social sciences. This is not an exhaustive review. Instead, I review many of the main studies of class in Iceland since the dawn of modernization around the turn of the 20th century against the backdrop of international class analysis and empirical data. The multifaceted class concept and the main approaches of class analysis are the focus of the first section. The discussion of Icelandic class research in the second part is divided into five themes: class structure, class politics, class inequality, class consciousness, and class culture. In the conclusion, I sum up and discuss the sub-field’s future prospects. Stéttagreining er eitt helsta áherslusvið félagsfræði og skarast við flest sérsvið fræðigreinarinnar. Stéttagreining vísar til fræðilegs sjónarhorns sem byggir á rannsóknum á ýmsum birtingarmyndum stéttaskiptingar. Rekja má stéttagreiningu á íslensku nútímasamfélagi til miðrar 20. aldar, en sérsviðið náði ekki fótfestu hérlendis fyrr en undir lok 8. áratugarins og fram á þann níunda. Lítil gerjun var í stéttarannsóknum á íslenskum samtíma næstu tvo áratugina, en aukin áhersla hefur verið lögð á stéttagreiningu frá efnahagshruninu árið 2008. Þessi yfirlitsgrein fjallar annars vegar um stéttagreiningu sem undirgrein alþjóðlegrar félagsfræði og hins vegar um íslenskar stéttarannsóknir, einkum á ...