Icelandic rural areas and regional sociology

The pioneers of sociology were preoccupied with comparing diverse, rapidly changing modern societies to earlier, traditional agricultural societies. Rural sociology developed in the 20th century as a distinct subfield of sociology concerned with the nature and development of farms, villages and town...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bjarnason, Þóroddur
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: School of Social Sciences 2023
Online Access:
Summary:The pioneers of sociology were preoccupied with comparing diverse, rapidly changing modern societies to earlier, traditional agricultural societies. Rural sociology developed in the 20th century as a distinct subfield of sociology concerned with the nature and development of farms, villages and towns and their relations with large and small cities. Rural sociology thus intersects with various other fields of sociological inquiry and undergirds rural studies in general. Rural studies started in Iceland in the second half of the 20th century but rural sociology only became deeply embedded in the Icelandic academic community at the turn of the century. Several Icelandic sociologists as well as economists, geographers, anthropologists, political scientists and other social scientists have contributed to the rural sociology of Iceland. This article reviews the state of Icelandic rural sociological knowledge on migration, economic and occupational development, education, commerce and services, social regions and other residential amenities. Several topics for further rural studies are identified and the future of Icelandic rural sociology is assessed. Samanburður fjölbreyttra, síbreytilegra nútímasamfélaga við hefðbundin landbúnaðarsamfélög fyrri tíma var frumkvöðlum félagsfræðinnar hugleikinn. Á 20. öldinni þróaðist byggðafélagsfræðin sem sérsvið félagsfræðinnar sem fjallaði um eðli og þróun samfélaga í sveitum, þorpum og bæjum og tengsl þeirra við stórar og smáar borgir. Þannig skarast byggðafélagsfræðin við margvíslegar aðrar undirgreinar félagsfræðinnar, jafnframt því sem hún er ein helsta stoðgrein þverfaglegra byggðarannsókna. Á Íslandi hófust rannsóknir á þessu sviði á síðari hluta 20. aldar en byggðafélagsfræðin skaut þó ekki djúpum rótum í íslensku fræðasamfélagi fyrr en undir lok síðustu aldar. Rannsóknir allmargra íslenskra félagsfræðinga hafa skýra skírskotun til byggðamála en jafnframt hafa margir hagfræðingar, landfræðingar, mannfræðingar, stjórnmálafræðingar og sérfræðingar í öðrum greinum ...