Icelandic media research: Theory of flow cutter?

Academic research on media and media users started towards the end of the 1920s. Initially media research was primarily conducted by sociologists, psychologists and political scientists. Although media studies have become an independent discipline, the field has retained its interdisciplinary charac...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kolbeins, Guðbjörg Hildur
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: School of Social Sciences 2023
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Summary:Academic research on media and media users started towards the end of the 1920s. Initially media research was primarily conducted by sociologists, psychologists and political scientists. Although media studies have become an independent discipline, the field has retained its interdisciplinary characteristics. There is some difference between media studies in the United States and Europe, as U.S. researchers tend to be strongly influenced by social psychology. In contrast, many European scholars approach media from the perspective of linguistics and even philosophy. In the beginning of media research in Iceland, scholars employed quantitative methods in studies of media use by children and adolescents but recently they have turned their research focus more towards political communication and elections, and the culture of journalism. Fyrstu fræðilegu rannsóknirnar á fjölmiðlum og notendum þeirra voru gerðar í lok þriðja áratugar 20. aldar. Í upphafi voru það einkum félagsfræðingar, sálfræðingar og stjórnmálafræðingar sem stunduðu fjölmiðlarannsóknir. Nú á tímum er fjölmiðlafræði kennd sem sjálfstæð fræðigrein en hún spannar enn víðfemt svið. Bandarískar rannsóknir þykja undir sterkum áhrifum félagssálfræðinnar meðan margir evrópskir fræðimenn nálgast hins vegar viðfangsefni sín út frá sjónarhóli málvísinda og jafnvel heimspeki. Rætur íslenskra fjölmiðlafræðirannsókna hafa í hálfa öld legið í megindlegum aðferðum til að rannsaka notkun barna og unglinga á fjölmiðlum en sjónum hefur í auknum mæli verið beint að hlutverki fjölmiðla í kosningum og starfsumhverfi og vinnubrögðum blaða- og fréttamanna.