The welfare state and the Icelandic way: The contribution of Icelandic sociology to welfare research

This article reviews the literature on research in sociology and related disciplines, on social policy in Iceland. The main emphasis is on social security, social services, family policies, as well as research on poverty and living conditions. Research in this field has increased considerably in rec...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Eydal, Guðný Björk, Hrafnsdóttir, Steinunn
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: School of Social Sciences 2023
Online Access:
Summary:This article reviews the literature on research in sociology and related disciplines, on social policy in Iceland. The main emphasis is on social security, social services, family policies, as well as research on poverty and living conditions. Research in this field has increased considerably in recent years and Iceland has participated in international comparative research that has led to augmented knowledge on the characteristics and outcomes of the Icelandic welfare system. Icelandic scholars have taken part in comparative research projects in the field and Iceland is now presented in many international databases that provide new opportunities for research, such as the European survey on living conditions, EU SILC that creates before unknown possibilities to monitor living conditions and social status of the Icelandic population. Í þessari yfirlitsgrein er fjallað um rannsóknir í félagsfræði og skyldum greinum á íslensku velferðarkerfi með áherslu á almannatryggingar, félagsþjónustu, fjölskyldustefnu, fátækt og lífskjör. Rannsóknum á þessu sviði hefur vaxið fiskur um hrygg undanfarin ár og Íslendingar hafa í auknum mæli tekið þátt fjölþjóðlegum samanburðarrannsóknum sem hafa leitt til aukinnar þekkingar á stöðu íslenska velferðarkerfisins og einkennum þess. Það hefur einnig færst í vöxt að gögn um Ísland séu hluti af fjölþjóðlegum gagnasöfnum og ber þar hæst þátttöku Íslendinga í Evrópsku lífskjararannsókninni, EU-SILC, sem skapar áður óþekkta möguleika á að fylgjast með kjörum og félagslegri stöðu landsmanna.