Work arrangements and well-being following a crisis: Overall view

There has been a considerable amount of sociological work dealing with unemployment and its influence on individuals and society. Little has been said, however, about the connection of recessions to workers’ insecurity, stress and depression. There has also been little research into the results of t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Rafnsdóttir, Guðbjörg Linda, Snorradóttir, Ásta, Sigursteinsdóttir, Hjördís
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: School of Social Sciences 2023
Online Access:
Summary:There has been a considerable amount of sociological work dealing with unemployment and its influence on individuals and society. Little has been said, however, about the connection of recessions to workers’ insecurity, stress and depression. There has also been little research into the results of the economic crash on those who did not lose their jobs. This overview will deal with Icelandic research which has rectified this by researching work environments of the financial sector (banks and pension funds) and municipal employees (elementary and primary school teachers, senior services and group homes) domestically following the economic crash which began in the fall of 2008. The research, which builds on qualitative and quantitative data, shows that the financial collapse in Iceland resulted in a considerable increase in depression, work absences and relationship problems among people that were not unemployed. Workers’ departments and offices which saw direct reductions or large changes rather risked employees becoming sick. It is therefore important to strengthen work solutions that promote a healthy work environment following an economic crisis. This is especially true about those who work in places where many organizational changes have occurred and where workers have been laid off. Á vettvangi félagsfræðinnar hefur talsvert verið fjallað um atvinnuleysi og áhrif þess á einstaklinga og samfélög. Lítið hefur hins vegar verið fjallað um tengsl samdráttar í rekstri við óöryggi, álag og vanlíðan starfsfólks sem heldur starfi sínu. Í þessari yfirlitsgrein verður fjallað um íslenskar rannsóknir sem hafa bætt úr þessu með því að rannsaka vinnufyrirkomulag og líðan starfsfólks fjármálafyrirtækja (banka og sparisjóða) og sveitarfélaga (grunnskóla- og leikskólakennara, starfsfólks í öldrunarþjónustu og á sambýlum) hér á landi í kjölfar efnahagskreppunnar sem hófst haustið 2008. Rannsóknirnar, sem byggja á eigindlegum (qualitative) og megindlegum (quantitative) gögnum, sýna að fjármálahrunið á Íslandi hafði í för með ...