Danish and learning Danish in Iceland, Greenland, and Faro Islands

Danish is taught as a foreign language in schools in Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. The instructional goal is general competence in Danish and ability to use it in communication with Danes and other Nordic citizens. However, Danish holds different positions in the students’ countries, wh...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hauksdóttir, Auður
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Milli Mála 2023
Online Access:https://ojs.hi.is/index.php/millimala/article/view/3662
Summary:Danish is taught as a foreign language in schools in Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. The instructional goal is general competence in Danish and ability to use it in communication with Danes and other Nordic citizens. However, Danish holds different positions in the students’ countries, which shapes their learning contexts. This article describes a research project that focuses on young learners of Danish in the West Nordic region. It is a collaboration betweenIcelandic, Faroese and Greenlandic scholars and teachers of Danish and their students. The objective is to gain insight into the status and function of Danish in the three countries, examine the effect on students’ Danish acquisition and seek ways to utilize new knowledge to better meet the needs of students for learning material. The results of a survey among primary and secondary school students about their connections with Denmark and attitudes towards Danish and learning Danish is presented. Finally, there is a section on computerassistedlearning material developed on the basis of the survey and in collaboration with teachers of Danish and their students. This includes www.taleboblen and the interactive computer game www.talerum.is.Keywords: Danish as a foreign language, Motivation in learning Danish, Learner autonomy, Computer-assisted language learning. Danska er kennd sem erlent tungumál á Grænlandi, Íslandi og í Færeyjum og er markmiðið að nemendur öðlist alhliða færni í dönsku, sem geri þeim kleift að nota málið í samskiptum við Dani og aðra Norðurlandabúa. Aðstæður nemenda til dönskunáms eru þó af ýmsum ástæðum ólíkar. Í greininni er fjallað um rannsóknar- og þróunarverkefni sem beinist að dönskunámi ungmenna á vestnorræna svæðinu, en um er að ræða samstarfsverkefni íslenskra, færeyskraog grænlenskra fræðimanna og þarlendra dönskukennara og nemenda þeirra. Markmiðið er að fá innsýn í stöðu dönsku í löndunum þremur og skoða hvaða áhrif hún hefur á dönskunám nemenda. Þá er tilgangurinn að leita leiða til þess að nýta nýja þekkingu til ...