The regulatory environment of entrepreneurs in Iceland: Analysis of current situation and opportunities for improvements

Since Iceland’s main industries are subject to growth restrictions, other types of industry have acquired increased significance. For those new enterprises to prosper and gain competitive advantage on foreign markets, however, the firms in question must operate on a modern, economical and efficient...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Óskarsson, Gunnar, Þráinsson, Hermann Þór
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Research in applied business and economics 2017
Online Access:
Summary:Since Iceland’s main industries are subject to growth restrictions, other types of industry have acquired increased significance. For those new enterprises to prosper and gain competitive advantage on foreign markets, however, the firms in question must operate on a modern, economical and efficient regulatory basis. The aim of this article is to throw light on the regulatory environment of entrepreneurs and identify potential opportunities for improvement. On the one hand, the research is based on in-depth interviews with six entrepreneurs who have operated a number of well-known innovative enterprises which have succeeded on international markets, or companies which have further to go and are gaining a foothold in the Icelandic entrepreneurial environment. On the other hand, the research focuses on a comparison of the Icelandic regulatory environment to that of other countries where this environment has been subject to international analysis. The results indicate that the regulatory environment of Icelandic entrepreneurs is in many respects more beneficial than that of the comparison countries, although there is still room for improvement. Þar sem helstu atvinnugreinar Íslands eru bundnar stækkunartakmörkunum gegna aðrar atvinnugreinar auknu mikilvægi í íslenskum efnahag. Í þessu samhengi sinna frumkvöðlafyrirtæki þýðingarmiklu hlutverki, en til að þau geti dafnað og staðist samkeppni á erlendum mörkuðum þarf sá reglugerðargrunnur sem fyrirtækin eru stofnuð á að vera nútímalegur, hagkvæmur og skilvirkur. Markmið þessarar greinar er að varpa ljósi á reglugerðarumhverfi frumkvöðla og greina hvort og þá hvar helstu tækifæri til úrbóta gætu legið. Rannsóknin byggir annars vegar á djúpviðtölum við sex frumkvöðla sem hafa stofnað og rekið nokkur þekkt frumkvöðlafyrirtæki og náð árangri á alþjóðlegum mörkuðum, eða fyrirtæki sem eru skemmra á veg komin og eru að fóta sig í umhverfi íslenskra frumkvöðlafyrirtækja. Hins vegar byggir rannsóknin á samanburði reglugerðarumhverfis á Íslandi við önnur lönd þar sem slíkt ...