Two labour markets and the great recession: impact on employee attitudes and behaviors

The purpose of this study is to explore how the economic collapse and recession have affected employee attitudes and job-related behaviors in the labour market in Iceland, and compare the impact in the public sector versus the private sector. The first wave of data collection occurred in late 2007/e...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Einarsdóttir, Arney, Bjarnadóttir, Ásta
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Research in applied business and economics 2010
Online Access:
Summary:The purpose of this study is to explore how the economic collapse and recession have affected employee attitudes and job-related behaviors in the labour market in Iceland, and compare the impact in the public sector versus the private sector. The first wave of data collection occurred in late 2007/early 2008 and involved employee surveys from 3,083 individuals in 59 organizations. The second wave of data collection was executed in the spring of 2009 and involved survey data from 772 employees in 18 organizations. The results indicate that overall employee positivity has been affected differently based on sectors. Employees in the private firms have not been affected overall, whereas employees in the public sector have been positively affected. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að kanna hvort efnahagshrunið og efnahagslægðin sem hófst á Íslandi haustið 2008 hafi haft áhrif á starfstengd viðhorf og hegðun starfsfólks á íslenskum vinnumarkaði, og hvort áhrifin séu þau sömu hjá starfsmönnum einkafyrirtækja og starfsmönnum opinberra stofnana. Byggt er á gögnum sem safnað var frá 3.083 starfsmönnum 59 fyrirtækja og stofnana 2007/2008 og 772 starfsmönnum 18 fyrirtækja og stofnana 2009. Niðurstöður benda til þess að heildarupplifun starfsfólks á vinnumarkaði hafi breyst á mismunandi hátt eftir geirum atvinnulífsins. Viðhorf og hegðun starfsmanna einkafyrirtækja voru mun jákvæðari fyrir hrun, en eftir hrun hefur dregið saman með opinbera geiranum og einkageiranum. Heildarupplifun starfsfólks einkafyrirtækja stendur í stað, en starfsfólk opinberra stofnana er jákvæðara í afstöðu sinni til starfs og vinnuveitanda.