Strategy practice in a small icelandic high tech company

The paper informs about strategy development in a small Icelandic high tech company, Valka, with reference to theories and research on Strategy as Practice. The research which is explorative and descriptive is designed as a case study and based on primary data from interviews and secondary data from...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Steinþórsson, Runólfur Smári, Sigurjónsdóttir, Sandra Margrét
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Research in applied business and economics 2015
Online Access:
Summary:The paper informs about strategy development in a small Icelandic high tech company, Valka, with reference to theories and research on Strategy as Practice. The research which is explorative and descriptive is designed as a case study and based on primary data from interviews and secondary data from the company that is studied. The aim of the paper is to reveal the development of strategy in Valka from the start of the company to the present day of the study. The main focus is on how the strategy has developed, who have been involved, through what means and practices this has happened. In light of the Strategy as Practice perspective the focus has been on the practitioners of strategy, the practices and the praxis of strategy in Valka. This study is designed as a pilot study and the results are put forward with the help of a model that has emerged in the research process. The development of Valka‘s strategy is illustrated, first, through an assessment of who have been involved and with what effort, second, a discussion of how diverse and formal the practices used have been, and third, how the activities of the firm have developed in terms of scope and relations to customers. As a pilot study this work is aimed to be the first of several empirical studies on Strategy as Practice in both private and public organizations in Iceland. Greinin fjallar um stefnu íslenska hátæknifyrirtækisins Völku með hliðsjón af kenningum um stefnu í reynd (e. strategy as practice). Rannsóknin er bæði leitandi og lýsandi í senn og er í henni ljósi varpað á það með hvaða hætti stefna hjá Völku hefur myndast bæði í skipulögðu stefnumiðuðu starfi og eftir sjálfsprottnum leiðum. Með hliðsjón af fræðunum og rannsókninni á Völku er sett fram líkan sem dregur fram kjarnaatriðin í stefnu í reynd. Þessi atriði má sjá í samspili á milli iðkenda (e. practitioners), starfshátta (e. practices) og iðkunarinnar (e. praxis) í stefnumiðuðu starfi Völku. Þetta líkan er á frumstigi en það gefur mynd af hinu stefnumiðaða starfi og tilgátan er að það ...