Writing assessment: Placement testing and the CEFR.

In the fall of 2012 placement tests in four languages for incoming students were held at the University of Iceland. This article focuses on the test for students in Danish. The tests are based on the French DELF-tests, which are developed in accordance with the CEFR. This article describes the CEFR...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Oddsdóttir, Þórhildur
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Milli Mála 2014
Online Access:https://ojs.hi.is/index.php/millimala/article/view/1411
Summary:In the fall of 2012 placement tests in four languages for incoming students were held at the University of Iceland. This article focuses on the test for students in Danish. The tests are based on the French DELF-tests, which are developed in accordance with the CEFR. This article describes the CEFR and how it can be used for education, teaching and evaluation. The purpose of the tests is to measure the language proficiency of incoming students in Danish, French, German and Spanish. Since students enrolling into Danish are required to achieve the competence level B-2 the test was designed accordingly. The results can be used for comparison, either to see the progress this group of students will make during the course of their studies or to compare them with next year‘s incoming students. Further work might provide interesting information on how the structure of teaching and its emphases affect students and their learning capacity.Keywords: the European Framework, CEFR, assessment, written, placement test, language Stöðupróf voru haldin í fjórum tungumálagreinum við Háskóla Íslands haustið 2012. Eitt þessara prófa var í dönsku og verður eingöngu rætt um það hér. Prófin og mat á þeim er að franskri fyrirmynd (DELF) út frá CEFR – Viðmiðunarramma Evrópuráðsins. Fjallað er um viðmiðunarrammann og hvaða hlutverki hann gegnir í námi, kennslu og mati á tungumálafærni. Prófin eiga að gefa hugmynd um stöðu nemenda við upphaf náms í dönsku, frönsku, spænsku og þy?sku við Háskóla Íslands. Gerð er krafa um að nemendur sem hefja dönskunám við Háskóla Íslands hafi náð færnistigi B-2 og þyngd prófsins miðast við það. Niðurstöðurnar má nota til samanburðar við næstu próf sama hóps, sem og til samanburðar við næsta hóp ny?nema. Frekari úrvinnsla á niðurstöðunum er áhugavert viðfangsefni bæði til að tengja við þróun, skipulag og áherslur í kennslu.Lykilorð: Evrópska tungumálamappan, viðmiðunarrammi, mat, ritun, stöðupróf, tungumál