Áskoranir fyrir skóla og kirkju

In 2013 the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture issued a new National Curriculum Guide for the Compulsory school in Iceland. In the new curricula drastic changes were made and curricula of individual subjects were merged into larger entities. Religious Education thus became a part of so-calle...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gunnarsson, Gunnar J.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Studia Theologia Islandica 2014
Online Access:https://ojs.hi.is/index.php/ritrodgudfraedistofnunar/article/view/1351
Summary:In 2013 the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture issued a new National Curriculum Guide for the Compulsory school in Iceland. In the new curricula drastic changes were made and curricula of individual subjects were merged into larger entities. Religious Education thus became a part of so-called Social Studies. That entails, among other things, that the role of religious education is primarily described in the context of the subjects that are included there. The aim of this article is to explore and discuss the changes of the curriculum in Religious Education for Compulsory School (the primary and the lower secondary school) in Iceland over the last decades. In the light of theoretical debate in neighboring countries the article will discuss the challenges, opportunities and risks consisted in such a radical change, also the status and role of Religious Education and what approaches might be suitable when the subject is becoming a part of Social Studies in the Icelandic Curriculum Guide. The article also discusses the challenges for the National Church of Iceland and other religious organizations and their role in religious education. Árið 2013 voru gerðar róttækar breytingar á Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla sem meðal annars fólu í sér að trúarbragðafræðsla er nú hluti af svonefndum samfélagsgreinum. Greinin fjallar um stöðu trúarbragðafræðslu í grunnskólum á Íslandi og er athyglinni beint sérstaklega að trúarbragðafræðiþætti nýrrar námskrár í samfélagsgreinum. Leitað er svara við því hvaða áskoranir, hættur og möguleikar felast í því að trúarbragðafræðin er nú orðin hluti af námskrá í samfélagsgreinum, bæði fyrir skóla og kirkju. Til að setja hlutina í samhengi er þróun námsgreinarinnar kristinfræði/trúarbragðafræði, samkvæmt námskrám grunnskóla sl. 50 ár, skoðuð sérstaklega, hvaða breytingar hafa átt sér stað á undanförnum árum og hvaða áherslur eru lagðar í nýrri námskrá. Ræddar eru áskoranir og möguleikar trúarbragðafræðslunnar í ljósi fræðilegrar umræðu í nágrannalöndum og hugað að rökum fyrir hlutverki ...