Students and Language Learning: A Survey

Students at the University of Iceland report that the study of languages brings professional benefit. Many of them would like to increase their foreign language skills if that could be better built into their programs This is the result of a survey made by the Social Science Research Institute for t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Arnbjörnsdóttir, Birna, Ólafsson, Jón, Sverrisdóttir, Oddný
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Milli Mála 2020
Online Access:
Summary:Students at the University of Iceland report that the study of languages brings professional benefit. Many of them would like to increase their foreign language skills if that could be better built into their programs This is the result of a survey made by the Social Science Research Institute for the Faculty of Languages and Cultures. This paper points out that most faculties at the University of Iceland make it difficult or impossible to study a foreign language as a part of a degree program, even when the students are interested in such a combination and the benefit can easily be shown. The authors of this paper show that the funding structure of the University of Iceland directly prevents students from increasing and deepening their knowledge of regions, cultures and languages. The authors conclude that these limitations reduce the quality of the study programs at the University and that system change is necessary to enable students to build language skills into their professional training and academic study. Nemendur við Háskóla Íslands telja að faglegur ávinningur felist í tungumálanámi. Stór hluti þeirra myndi bæta við sig tungumálakunnáttu ef slíkt félli betur að námi í einstökum greinum en raunin er oftast nú. Þetta er niðurstaða könnunar sem Félagsvísindastofnun gerði fyrir Mála- og menningardeild og fjallað er um í þessari grein. Bent er á að flestar deildir Háskóla Íslands skipuleggi nám í einstökum greinum þannig að erfitt eða ókleift er að fella tungumálanám að því, jafnvel þótt nemendur hafi áhuga á slíkri viðbót og auðvelt sé að sýna fram á faglegan ávinning. Í greininni er sýnt fram á að fjárhagsmódel skólans vinnur beinlínis gegn því að nemendur geti aukið sérþekkingu sína á einstökum svæðum, menningarheimum og tungumálum. Niðurstaða höfunda er sú að þetta dragi úr gæðum námsins almennt og kalla þurfi eftir kerfisbreytingum sem auðvelda nemendum að fella tungumálakunnáttu inn í fagþekkingu sína.