The City of Reykjavík’s Human Rights Policy: Challenges, Dilemmas and Opportunities

The City of Reykjavík took the lead in promoting equality and human rights in Iceland when the City Council adopted the first human rights policy in 2006. The policy is based on international human rights law and principles of equality and non-discrimination. A questionnaire for the city’s managers...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
Main Authors: Þorvaldsdóttir, Þorgerður H., Hjartardóttir, Guðbjörg Lilja
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Stjórnsýslustofnun 2016
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Summary:The City of Reykjavík took the lead in promoting equality and human rights in Iceland when the City Council adopted the first human rights policy in 2006. The policy is based on international human rights law and principles of equality and non-discrimination. A questionnaire for the city’s managers and administrators, enquiring about their experience of the human rights policy, prejudice and the status of marginalized groups, demonstrated various challenges in implementing and promoting the policy. This is due, not the least, to the fact that the national legislation on ban on discrimination is limited to gender equality, thus halting further development in the field of human rights. The human rights policy is fairly well known by the city ́s managers and administrators. They apply the policy in their different and demanding jobs especially in human resource management but to a limited extent in finance management. The policy has thus proven to be a valuable instrument to bring about changes. The City of Reykjavik aims to achieve equality for all and to work against multiple discrimination. However, some of the marginalized groups seem more vulnerable to discrimination and marginalization than other groups, notably immigrants, people with disabilities and people with long-term health issues. Reykjavíkurborg tók ákveðið frumkvæði í jafnréttis- og mannréttindamálum á Íslandi þegar mannréttindastefna borgarinnar var samþykkt árið 2006. Stefnan ber sterkan svip af regluverki Evrópusambandsins þar sem áhersla er lögð á jafnrétti allra hópa og bann við mismunun. Innleiðing og framkvæmd mannréttindastefnunnar hefur reynst vandasamt ferli, ekki síst þar sem löggjöf um bann við mismunun hér á landi er ábótavant, nema á sviði kynjajafnréttis, og hefur það haft bein áhrif á stöðu málaflokksins. Spurningakönnun sem lögð var fyrir stjórnendur hjá Reykjavíkurborg um mannréttindastefnuna, fordóma og stöðu jaðarsettra hópa leiddi í ljós að í grunninn virðist mannréttindastefna Reykjavíkurborgar vera gott verkfæri. Stefnan er ...