The effect of competition on expectation, perception and loyalty to service offers

This article focuses on the effect of competition on expectations, perception, and loyalty to service offers. Questionnaires were used to gather data from second year students at the University of Iceland, where three faculties in particular face local competition, the faculty of law, the faculty of...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál
Main Author: Guðlaugsson, Þórhallur Örn
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Institute of Business Research 2006
Online Access:
Summary:This article focuses on the effect of competition on expectations, perception, and loyalty to service offers. Questionnaires were used to gather data from second year students at the University of Iceland, where three faculties in particular face local competition, the faculty of law, the faculty of economics and business administration, and the faculty of engineering. The main findings of the study indicate that students at the three faculties facing strong local competition report similar expectations as do students at other faculties. However, the results also indicate that they are less tolerant; that the increase competition has lead to higher demands. The results furthermore suggest that the students of the competitive faculties demonstrate less loyalty than do students at other faculties and that in the case of these faculties the University is shifting from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. Viðfangsefni þessarar greinar er að skoða áhrif samkeppni á væntingar, skynjun og tryggð við þjónustutilboð. Stuðst er við gögn úr könnunum meðal nemenda á öðru ári við Háskóla Íslands en þar eru það fyrst og fremst þrjár deildir sem búa við mikla samkeppni, lagadeild, viðskipta‐ og hagfræðideild og verkfræðideild. Meginniðurstaða rannsóknarinnar er sú að nemendur í samkeppnisdeildunum þremur virðast í grundvallaratriðum hafa svipaðar væntingar til þjónustu og nemendur annarra deilda. Umburðarlyndi þeirra virðist hins vegar vera minna, sem bendir til þess að aukin samkeppni hafi þau áhrif að kröfur aukast. Niðurstöður benda enn fremur til þess að nemendur samkeppnisdeildanna sýni sinni deildi minni tryggð en nemendur annarra deilda og bendir allt til þess að skólinn sé að færast af seljandamarkaði yfir á kaupendamarkað hvað þær deildir varðar.