
In this article the implications of the new Icelandic Curriculum Guidelines for foreign languages are discussed. First the varied linguistic environments of the different foreign languages are described, based on new research. Then the need for new emphases in English, Danish and a third/fourth lang...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Arnbjörnsdóttir, Birna, Ingvarsdóttir, Hafdís
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Milli Mála 2015
Online Access:https://ojs.hi.is/millimala/article/view/1399
Summary:In this article the implications of the new Icelandic Curriculum Guidelines for foreign languages are discussed. First the varied linguistic environments of the different foreign languages are described, based on new research. Then the need for new emphases in English, Danish and a third/fourth language is presented. It is argued that more emphasis should be placed on literacy skills, especially academic English literacy skills in order to prepare students for university studies in Iceland and abroad. On the other hand, it is suggested that more emphasis be placed on the training of oral skills in Danish, so that Danish can become the communication tool the Guidlines intend. Ways to support foreign language learning in general are then presented. They include ways to increase diversity in the choice of a third and fourth language with the aid of technology developed at the University of Iceland, and enhancing diversity by supporting children and adolescents who come to Iceland already proficient in languages other than Icelandic, whether they be first or second languages of the speakers. Finally the implications of the new Guidelines for pre- and in-service education of teachers are discussed.Keywords: foreign language education, instructional approaches, new linguistic environment, Computer Assisted Language Learning, teacher development Í þessari grein er fyrst lýst helstu hugmyndum í nýjum námskrám í erlendum tungumálum fyrir grunn- og framhaldsskóla. Rætt er um ólíka stöðu erlendra tungumála á Íslandi meðal annars með hliðsjón af nýjum rannsóknum höfunda og settar fram tillögur að breyttum áherslum í ensku- og dönskukennslu með tilliti til íslensks málumhverfis. Bent er á að auka þurfi kennslu í ritun og lestri lengri rauntexta/fræðilegra texta í ensku svo að nemendur verði nægjanlega vel undirbúnir til náms við íslenska og erlenda háskóla. Á hinn bóginn þarf að auka kennslu í tali og skilningi á mæltu máli í dönsku svo að danska verði það samskiptatæki sem henni er ætlað samkvæmt námskrá. Þá er rætt um ...