Science instruction, and in particular physics instruction, has to be taught in a way that explanations are complemented with demonstration experiments and calculation exercises, encouraging students to explore independently—this means that they themselves perform a few experiments and substantiate...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons
Main Author: Kranjc, Tomaž
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: University of Juraj Dobrila Pula, The Department of Preschool and Primary Education 2011
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Summary:Science instruction, and in particular physics instruction, has to be taught in a way that explanations are complemented with demonstration experiments and calculation exercises, encouraging students to explore independently—this means that they themselves perform a few experiments and substantiate them with relevant calculations (they discover relations between quantities, variables, and constants). In this article we give examples of cases where a simulation replaces an experiment that cannot be carried out i.e. it complements an experiment allowing observation at a different time and space scale. Experiments that cannot be performed in the classroom include the shape of the lunar trajectory, lunar phases, a demonstration of the difference between the solar and sidereal time, and the motion of objects that fly away from a space station. Experiments that cannot be followed in detail since they happen too quickly include the fall of a stick (for different coefficients of static friction between the stick and the supporting surface), and an interesting case of the dynamics of a system consisting of a circular tube with two balls sliding in it without friction. We also show the propagation of transversal and longitudinal waves and the formation of standing waves by the interference of incoming and reflected waves. We also give an example from quantum physics: falling of a "quantum card", which in the beginning stands vertically on a horizontal surface. We show the time development of the wave function and illustrate the unusual behaviour and the non-classical description of the quantum-mechanical system. We compare it with the classical description as shown in the case of a falling stick. Possible situations where students themselves create simulations and animations are also presented. Pri pouku naravoslovja in posebej fizike moramo poučevati tako, da med razlago vpletamo demonstracijske eksperimente in računske vaje ter dijake spodbujamo, da tudi samostojno raziskujejo—to pomeni, da izvedejo kakšen poskus in ga podkrepijo z računom; tako odkrivajo in ugotavljajo relacije med količinami, spremenljivke in konstante. V prispevku prikažemo nekatere primere, ko simulacija nadomesti poskus, ki ga v resnici ni mogoče izvesti oz. ga dopolnjuje tako, da ga lahko opazujemo v drugačni časovni in prostorski skali. Med poskusi, ki jih ne moremo izvesti v učilnici, lahko prikažemo obliko luninega tira, lunine mene, prikaz razlike med sončnim in zvezdnim časom ter gibanje predmetov, ki odletijo z vesoljske postaje. Med poskusi, ki jih ne moremo natanko slediti, ker se odvijajo prehitro, lahko prikažemo padanje palice (za različne koeficiente lepenja med palico in podlago) ter zanimiv primer drsenja dveh kroglic po obroču in dinamiko obroča. Prikažemo tudi potek transverzalnega in longitudinalnega potujočega valovanja ter nastanek stoječega valovanja, ko se potujoče valovanje odbije ter vpadno in odbito valovanje interferirata, vizualizacija česar je za študente zahtevna naloga. Podamo še primer iz osnov kvantne fizike: padanje "kvantne karte", ki spočetka stoji v navpični legi na vodoravni podlagi. Prikažemo časovni razvoj valovne funkcije ter ilustriramo za študente nenavadno obnašanje in neklasični opis kvantnega sistema ter ga primerjamo s klasičnim opisom, kakor je bil prikazan pri padanju palice. Omenimo možnosti, da študenti sami izdelajo simulacije in animacije.