Šokački Hrvati u Vojvodini na prijelazu tisućljeća – osnovne značajke društvenoga položaja

U radu se, prvo, u temeljnim naznakama kontekstualno situira šokački udio među vojvođanskim Hrvatima na prijelazu tisućljeća, i to prije svega u svojemu demografskome, prostorno-teritorijalnom i povijesnom segmentu. Zatim se ocrtavaju pojedini društveni procesi kojima su, s jedne strane, šokački Hrv...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Žigmanov, Tomislav; Centre of Culture of Vojvodina Croatians, Subotica, Serbia; tzigmanov@zkvh.org.rs
Format: Text
Published: Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies 2009
Online Access:http://hrcak.srce.hr/48371
Summary:U radu se, prvo, u temeljnim naznakama kontekstualno situira šokački udio među vojvođanskim Hrvatima na prijelazu tisućljeća, i to prije svega u svojemu demografskome, prostorno-teritorijalnom i povijesnom segmentu. Zatim se ocrtavaju pojedini društveni procesi kojima su, s jedne strane, šokački Hrvati u Vojvodini bili izloženi, a s druge strane oni koje su sami producirali. Analiza društvenog položaja šokačkih Hrvata u Vojvodini usmjerena je na dva glavna problema. Jedan se odnosi na posljedice koje je po šokačke Hrvate u Vojvodini imao rat koji je Miloševićev režim vodio protiv Republike Hrvatske te sudbinu koju su imali poduzeti koraci na stvaranju zasebne »šokačke nacije«, što je također osmislio i generirao Miloševićev režim. U drugu skupinu problema kojima se autor bavi ulaze suvremena povijest političkog organiziranja šokačkih Hrvata, zatim ona u području kulture i na koncu u području informiranja i obrazovanja. Uz prikaze tih segmenata suvremene povijesti šokačkih Hrvata u vojvođanskom dijelu Podunavlja, provode se usporedbe s istim ili sličnim procesima kod drugih subetničkih skupina vojvođanskih Hrvata, napose s Bunjevcima, te s drugim područjima na kojima Hrvati u Vojvodini žive. The paper sets out by contextually situating in its basic characteristics the share of the Šokac Croatians among the Vojvodina Croatians as a whole at the turn of the century, primarily in their demographic, spatial and territorial, and historical segment. This is followed by an outline of the individual social processes to which the Šokac Croatians in Vojvodina have been exposed, on the one hand, and those that they themselves have produced on the other. Analysis of the social position of the Šokac Croatians in Vojvodina is orientated to two major issues. One is related to the consequences upon them of the war that the Milošević regime waged against the Republic of Croatia, and the fate of steps undertaken towards the creation of a separate “Šokac nation”, which was also conceived and generated by the Milošević regime. The second group of issues that the author deals with includes the contemporary history of the political organising of the Šokac Croatians, that of the area of culture and, finally, of the domain of information and education. Along with those segments of the contemporary history of the Šokac Croatians in the Vojvodinian part of the Danube River Basin, comparisons are drawn with the same or similar processes among other sub-ethnic groups of Vojvodina Croatians, particularly the Bunjevci Croatians, and those from other regions in Vojvodina in which ethnic Croatians live. L’étude situe, d’abord, dans un contexte général, la présence des Šokac parmi les populations croates de Voïvodine au passage au nouveau millénaire, en présentant principalement les aspects démographique, spatial (territorial) et historique. Elle poursuit sur une ébauche des processus sociaux auxquels les Croates Šokac ont été sujets, d’une part, et qu’ils ont engendrés, d’autre part. L’analyse de leur statut social en Voïvodine est axée sur deux problématiques essentielles. L’une porte sur les conséquences qu’ils ont subies de la guerre menée contre la République de Croatie par le régime de Milošević, ainsi que les effets de certaines démarches prises dans le cadre de la création d’une « nation šokac » à part entière, également générée et produite par le régime de Milošević. Dans l’autre problématique étudiée par l’auteur s’inscrivent l’histoire moderne de l’organisation politique des Croates Šokac ainsi que celle observée dans les domaines de la culture, de l’information et, finalement, de l’éducation. Par ailleurs, l’étude mène des comparaisons de ces segments de l’histoire moderne de ces Croates installés dans le bassin du Danube en Voïvodine avec des processus identiques ou similaires observés auprès d’autres sous-groupes ethniques de la communauté croate de Voïvodine, plus particulièrement auprès des populations Bunjevac, de même que dans d’autres territoires de la Voïvodine habités par les Croates.