Istraživanje važnosti lipida jetre šaraga (Diplodus sargus L.), kao izvora biomedicinskih komponenata, ovisno o godišnjem dobu

Svrha je ovoga istraživanja bila ispitati potencijalnu važnost lipida jetre šaraga (Diplodus sargus L.) kao izvora značajnih biomedicinskih komponenata. Određen je sastav masnih kiselina u nepolarnim (triacilgliceroli) i polarnim (fosfatidilinozitol, fosfatidilserin, fosfatidilkolin i fosfatidiletan...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Batičić, Lara; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia, Varljen, Neven; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Thalassotherapia Opatija, University of Rijeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia, Žuvić Butorac, Marta; IT Academy, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia, Kapović, Miljenko; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia, Varljen, Jadranka; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia;
Format: Text
Published: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb; 2009
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Summary:Svrha je ovoga istraživanja bila ispitati potencijalnu važnost lipida jetre šaraga (Diplodus sargus L.) kao izvora značajnih biomedicinskih komponenata. Određen je sastav masnih kiselina u nepolarnim (triacilgliceroli) i polarnim (fosfatidilinozitol, fosfatidilserin, fosfatidilkolin i fosfatidiletanolamin) lipidnim frakcijama jetre. Da bi se ispitalo kako godišnje doba utječe na sastav masnih kiselina lipidnih frakcija jetre, ribe su lovili i analizirali tijekom zime, proljeća, ljeta i jeseni. Identificirano je ukupno 18 različitih masnih kiselina u analiziranim uzorcima. Među zasićenim masnim kiselinama najzastupljenije su bile palmitinska (16:0) i stearinska (18:0), među mononezasićenima oleinska (18:1 n-9) i palmitoleinska (16:1 n-7), a arahidonska (20:4 n-6), eikozapentaenska (20:5 n-3) i dokozaheksaenska kiselina (22:6 n-3) među polinezasićenim masnim kiselinama. Njihovi su se udjeli u različitim frakcijama lipida bitno razlikovali tijekom pojedinog godišnjeg doba. Ukupni udjel nezasićenih masnih kiselina u svim analiziranim frakcijama lipida bio je najveći u zimskom razdoblju. U proljeće su zasićene masne kiseline dostigle najviše vrijednosti u svim lipidnim frakcijama. Najveći je udjel eikozapentaenske i dokozaheksaenske kiseline utvrđen u triacilglicerolima u zimskom razdoblju. Ustanovljeno je da godišnje doba utječe i na indekse nezasićenosti i n-3/n-6 omjere. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju ovisnost sastava masnih kiselina u lipidima jetre D. sargus o godišnjem dobu. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential value of hepatic lipids of the white sea bream, Diplodus sargus, as a source of important biomedical components. Fatty acid compositions of hepatic neutral (triacylglycerols) and polar (phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, or phosphatidylethanolamine) lipid fractions were determined. In order to verify the influence of a season on the fatty acid compositions of liver lipid fractions, fish were captured and analyzed in winter, spring, summer and autumn. Eighteen different fatty acids were identified in the analyzed lipid fractions. The major constituents of total fatty acids were saturates: palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0), monounsaturated fatty acids: oleic (18:1 n-9) and palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7), while arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6), eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3) were the major constituents among polyunsaturated fatty acids. Their amounts and ratios differed significantly among seasons in different lipid fractions. Total unsaturated fatty acids in all analyzed lipid fractions were the highest in the winter period. Saturated fatty acids were the highest in the spring period in all lipid fractions. Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid achieved the highest values in triacylglycerols in the winter period. Unsaturation indices and n-3/n-6 values were also influenced by the season. This study revealed a seasonality pattern of D. sargus hepatic fatty acid composition.