Zlostavljanje djece prisutno je u svim sredinama. U javnosti se često iznose slučajevi zlostavljanja djece, no poznato je da je tek mali dio zlostavljane djece prepoznat i obuhvaćen odgovarajućim tretmanom. OVdje se navode četiri osnovna oblika zlostavljanja djece: fizičko zlostavljanje, emocionalno...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Miljević-Riđički, Renata; Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb
Format: Text
Published: Institute of Social Sciences IVO PILAR 1995
Online Access:http://hrcak.srce.hr/32356
Summary:Zlostavljanje djece prisutno je u svim sredinama. U javnosti se često iznose slučajevi zlostavljanja djece, no poznato je da je tek mali dio zlostavljane djece prepoznat i obuhvaćen odgovarajućim tretmanom. OVdje se navode četiri osnovna oblika zlostavljanja djece: fizičko zlostavljanje, emocionalno zlostavljanje, seksualno zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje (zapuštanje) djece te znakovi zlostavljanja. Prepoznavanje zlostavljanja i odgovarajući tretman žrtava ujedno je i preventivno djelovanje. Jedna od zajedničkih karakteristika napadača, bez obzira na to o kojem se obliku zlostavljanja radi, jest da su i sami bili žrtve zlostavljanja. To se primjećuje i u odraslih, ali i u djece napadača. S obzirom na složenost problema zlostavljanja, u njegovu rješavanju potrebna je suradnja stručnjaka različitih profila. Na žalost, u praksi ovaj problem još uvijek rješava vrlo mali broj stručnjaka. Child abuse is present in all societies. There are plenty of cases of child abuse reported in public, but the fact is that just a few of the abused children are recognized and properly treated. Four main types of abuse and symptoms of abuse are described: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. If we recognize symptoms of abuse and give victims proper treatment, that is also preventive work. Most abusers, no matter what kind of abuse they have been involved in, have something in common: they have also been victims of abuse. It is obvious in adult abusers, but we can recognize it in child abusers, too. Since victlmlzation is a complex problem, it could be solved only through the cooperation of various experts. Unfortunately, the number of experts who are involved in solving this problem in practice, is still very low. Das Phanomen der KindesmiBhandlung ist in allen Gesellschatten gegenwartig. In der Offentlichkeit ertahrt man oft von solche n Fallen, doch weiB man, daB nur eine geringe Anzahl miBhandelter Kinder als solche erkannt werden und entsprechende FOrsorgemaBnahmen erfahren. Es werden hier vi er Grundtormen der KindesmiBhandlung angefOhrt: KorpermiBhandlung, seeIisches Qualen, sexueller MiBbrauch und Vernachlasslqunq sowie Anzeichen der vernacnlasslqunq, Die Autdeckung von Fallen der KindesmiBhandlung und entsprechende FOrsorgemaBnahmen tOr die Opter sind zu gleich die beste Vorsorge. Zu den gemeinsamen Charakteristiken der Tatar, egal von welcher MiBhandlungsart die Rede ist, geh6rt, daB sie selbst Opter von MiBhandlungen waren. Das gilt sowohl fOr Erwachsene als auch fOr Kinder. Da dieses Problem sehr komplex ist, bedarf es der Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Experten, um Abhilte zu schaffen. In der Praxis ist leider jedoch immer noch eine sehr kleine Zahl von Experten an der l.čsunq dieses Problems beteiligt.