Ein litil ságna fiárhýrdsla: hvór ed hefur j sér geímande ymislegan[n] frodleika sierdeilis um[m] plantena[n]a eiginlegheit, oc þeirra verkan j man[n]inum[m], frá han[n]s gétnade, til dauda stundarin[n]ar, sem oc mórgu audru, a hræ[r]ande man[n]in[n]n líka oc odrum an[n]an[n] frodleika / saman[n] dreigid oc skrifad, ur jmsum skrifum[m] gamállra man[n]a, til frodleiks þeim er siá oc lesa, er skilning þar á hafa á Purkey vid Skárdsstrónd, árid 1823, af Olafe Sveinssyne : manuscript, 1822-1823

Transcriptions, in the hand of Ólafur Sveinsson, of 39 texts concerning astronomy, astrology, folk remedies, blood-letting, superstitions and palmistry . 1. Chyromantia edur lyst sem kien[n]er af yfervegudum[m] lynum[m] j man[n]sins lofa, oc hende, ad þeckia náttarun[n]ar . af D. Rudolpho Galetio ti...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Coolidge, Archibald Cary , 1866-1928 (former owner.), Maurer, Konrad von , 1823-1902 (former owner.), Ólafur Sveinsson , c. 1762-1845 (copyist.), Þorvaldur Sigurðsson Sívertsen , 1798-1863 (former owner.), Smith, Henrik , d. 1563
Format: Text
Published: Houghton 1822
Online Access:http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL.HOUGH:3277671
Summary:Transcriptions, in the hand of Ólafur Sveinsson, of 39 texts concerning astronomy, astrology, folk remedies, blood-letting, superstitions and palmistry . 1. Chyromantia edur lyst sem kien[n]er af yfervegudum[m] lynum[m] j man[n]sins lofa, oc hende, ad þeckia náttarun[n]ar . af D. Rudolpho Galetio til Marborg (pp. 1-26) -- 2. Physiognomia ars þad er so sem nátturleg skodun oc þecking man[n]sins á sindar . af Doctor oc þeinara D. Rudolpho Golenit M[eistare] til Marburg og prentad anno 1621 (26-42) -- 3. Ein litel undir visun um[m] man[n]sins vattn oc an[n]an[n] nátturlegan[n] af gáng . skrifad oc sam dreigid af Doctor Laurentio Friscio utlagt of Henrik Smið (165-190). Includes a drawing of a hand with palmistry lines and definitions (p. 24). Bound in leather, strengthened with scraps from letters and accounts, dated 1848. Items 1 and 2 are based on Rudolfus Goclenius, Physiognomica et chiromantica specialia (Marburg: ex officina R. Hutvvelckeri, 1621). Item 3 is an Icelandic translation of Lorenz Fries, Ein liden bog om menniskens vand oc anden naturlig affgang . fordansket aff Henrick Smit (Copenhagen: Hans Vingaard, 1557). MS Icelandic 15. Houghton Library, Harvard University. Ólafur Sveinsson was famous for his work on the huldufólk or the elves. Index of the texts in this volume; Available in the Houghton Library reading room; Hughes, Shaun, A catalogue of the Icelandic manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University (1978).