Summary:Methods The data is generated using the Earth System Model CLIMBER-X which simulates climate globally on a 5°x5° horizontal grid. Its coupled atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land surface have been used in this study. Abstract In "Astronomical Forcing, Continental Drift and CO2 Paced Pangaean Lake Level Cycles" we study the effect of cyclic orbital parameter changes on Late Triassic to Early Jurassic paleoclimates. For this, in total 36 transient climate simulations are performed with reconstructed paleogeographies for 9 time slices in 5 Myr steps (230 to 190 million years ago) at 3 different atmospheric pCO2 values, each driven by a simplified orbital forcing over a 250,000 yr period. The data presented here is the model output on which the results of the main article are based. (The majority of further output data is not included due to its large size, but it can be made available upon request.) Also included are different model configuration files and the scripts to generate the included figures (using the Python programming language in a Jupyter Notebook). The model output data is provided in different NetCDF files, see README for detailed description.