Summary:Abstract LPJmL4 is a process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the terrestrial biosphere, the water and carbon cycle and on agricultural production. The LPJmL4 model combines plant physiological relations, generalized empirically established functions and plant trait parameters. The model incorporates dynamic land use at the global scale and is also able to simulate the production of woody and herbaceous short-rotation bio-energy plantations. Grid cells may contain one or several types of natural or agricultural vegetation. A comprehensive description of the model is given by Schaphoff et al. (2017a, here present the LPJmL4 model code described and used by the publications in GMD: LPJmL4 - a dynamic global vegetation model with managed land: Part I – Model description and Part II – Model evaluation (Schaphoff et al. 2018a and b, and model code of LPJmL4 is programmed in C and can be run in parallel mode using MPI. Makefiles are provided for different platforms. Further informations on how to run LPJmL4 is given in the INSTALL file. Additionally to the publication a html documentation and man pages are provided. Additionally, LPJmL4 can be download from the Gitlab repository: Further developments of LPJmL will be published through this Gitlab repository regularly.