Preface: the edge question -- Introduction / Daniel C. Dennett -- Evolution changes everything / Scott Sampson -- DNA: writing the software of life / J. Craig Venter -- A change in who we are / Pz Myers -- The robotic movement / Sherry Turkle -- The brain-machine interface / James Geary -- Breaking...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Brockman, John, ed.
Published: 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Preface: the edge question -- Introduction / Daniel C. Dennett -- Evolution changes everything / Scott Sampson -- DNA: writing the software of life / J. Craig Venter -- A change in who we are / Pz Myers -- The robotic movement / Sherry Turkle -- The brain-machine interface / James Geary -- Breaking the species barrier / Richard Dawkins -- Slippery expectations / Corey S. Powell -- The full flourishing of solar technology / Ian McEwan -- Personal genomics or maybe not / Steven Pinker -- Our genes are not our fate / Dean Ornish -- A forebrain for the world mind / W. Daniel Hillis -- Future as present: a final experiment / Ernst Pöppel -- But we shall all be changed / Frank J. Tipler -- The credit crunch for materialism / Rupert Sheldrake -- The laptop quantum computer / Donald D. Hoffman -- Undo the present; recall the past / Seth Lloyd -- Rounding an endless vicious circle / Alan Alda -- The idea of negative and iatrogenic science / Nassim Nicholas Taleb -- The feeling that things will get worse / Brain Eno -- Homesteading in Hilbert space / Frank Wilczek -- Revelation / Stefano Boeri -- The discovery of intelligent life from somewhere else / Douglas Rushkoff -- A cure for humankind s existential loneliness / Paul Saffo -- AI and intellectual mastery / John Tooby and Leda Cosmides -- Avoiding doomsday / Alexander Vilenkin -- Escaping the gravity well / David Dalrymple -- Synthetics biology with interplanetary reach / Dimitar Sasselov -- Life (or not) on Mars / Rodney Brooks -- A separate origin for life / Robert Shapiro -- Shadow biosphere / Paul Davies -- Laboratory earth colonies / John Gottman -- Interstellar viruses / George Dyson -- Computers are the new microscopes / Terrence Sejnowski -- Silicon immortality: downloading consciousness into computers / David Eagleman -- The implementation of life in engineered materials / Neil Gershenfeld -- Decoding the brain / Gary Marcus -- Cheap cryonic suspension of brains / Bart Kosko -- Superintelligence / Nick Bostrom -- Becoming robotic / Gregory Paul -- The synchronization of brains / Jamshed Bharucha -- Thinking small: understanding the brain / Irene Pepperberg -- Controlling the brain s plasticity / Leo M. Chalupa -- Never-ending childhood / Alison Gopnik -- The ebb of memory / Kevin Slavin -- Artificial self-replicating meme machines / Susan Blackmore -- Malthusian information famine / Charles Seife -- Reading minds / Kenneth W. Ford -- True lie detection / Sam Harris -- Radiotelepathy: direct communication from brain to brain / Freeman Dyson -- Little changes make the biggest difference / Barry C. Smith -- Neuronally expressed messages / Peter Schwartz -- A new kind of mind / Kevin Kelly -- The age of reputation / Gloria Orrigi -- Cracking open the lockbox of talent / Howard Gardner -- Culture / Timothy Taylor -- Molecular manufacturing / Ed Regis -- Resizing ourselves / Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster -- The actual, the possible, and the unimaginable / Marc D. Hauser -- Computing the embryo / Lewis Wolpert -- Homo evolutis / Juan Enriquez -- The open universe / Stuart Kauffman -- Living to a hundred and fifty / Gregory Benford -- Mastering death / Marcelo Gleiser -- No more time decay / Emanuel Derman -- West Antarctica and seven other sleeping giants / Laurence C. Smith -- Conserving the climate: will Greenland s melting ice the deal? / Stephen H. Schneider -- Climate will change everything / William Calvin -- Molecular manufacturing and climate change / Eric Drexler -- The mastery of climate / Stewart Brand -- The use of nuclear weapons against a civilian population / Lawrence Krauss -- Deployment of a significant rogue nuclear device / Gerald Holton -- Accidental nuclear war / Max Tegmark -- The breakdown of all computers / Anton Zeilinger -- The growing perception of a clash between safety and liberty / Dan Sperber -- Adopting rationality and sustainability / Patrick Bateson -- Fusion expectations / Roger Highfield -- Green oil / Alun Anderson -- Attempts at geoengineering / Oliver Morton -- Why don t running shoes biodegrade? / Daniel Goleman -- The shift from harvesting to manufacturing energy / Andrian Kreye -- The anthroposphere / Nicholas A. Christakis -- At last: technology will change education / Haim Harari -- Inexpensive customizable interactive e-texts for worldwide use / David G. Myers -- On basketball and science camps / Stephon H. Alexander -- A web-empowered revolution in teaching / Chris Anderson -- Wisdom reborn / Roger C. Schank -- Tracks and clusters / David Gelernter -- The mobile phone / Keith Devlin -- Energy and economics: the road to civilization 1.0 / Michael Shermer -- Undoing Babylon / Daniel L. Everett -- Soul travel for selfless beings / Thomas Metzinger -- Inside out: the epistemology of everything / Tor Nørretranders -- Changes in the changers / A. Garrett Lisi -- Neurocosmetics / Marcel Kinsbourne -- Neurophenomics + targeted stimulation = psychological optimization? / Brain Knutson -- Celebratory self-reengineering / Andy Clark -- A different kind of male subjectivity / Tino Sehgal -- Hidden persuaders 09 / Helen Fisher -- A lively gamete market / Henry Harpending -- Immortal cognition, boundless happiness / Marco Iacoboni -- A farewell to harm / Karl Sabbagh -- God need not actually exist to have evolved / Jesse Bering -- Proof of the Riemann hypothesis / Clifford A. Pickover -- The reality of time / Lee Smolin -- The existence of additional spacetime dimensions / Gino Segrè -- Black holes: the ultimate game changer? / Paul J. Steinhardt -- Better measurements / Gregory Cochran -- We are learning to make phenotypes / Mark Pagel -- The next step in human health care? / Ian Wilmut -- Broadening the spectrum of infectious causation / Paul Ewald -- Biological markers for mental illness / Eric Kandel -- Recognizing that the body is not a machine / Randolph Nesse -- The organism itself as the emergent meaning / Brian Goodwin -- Faster evolution means more ethnic differences / Jonathan Haidt -- Africa / James J. O Donnell -- Epistemology will change the world / Lera Boroditsky -- Social media literacy / Howard Rheingold -- The decline of text / Marti Hearst -- The end of analytic science / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi -- Coordinated computational power will change science / Lisa Randall -- Carniculture / Austin Dacey -- Exploitability / David M. Buss -- Post-rational economic man / David Berreby -- Nothing will change everything / Richard Foreman -- Beyond Boolean logic, digital manipulations, and numerical evaluations / Verena Huber-Dyson -- People who can intuit six dimensions / Robert Sapolsky -- Massive technological failure / David Bodanis -- Happiness / Betsy Devine -- Our brave new map of the world / Christine Finn -- The unmasking of true human nature / Aubrey De Grey -- And if the big change doesn t arrive? / Carlo Rovelli -- "Everything" has already changed! / Kai Krause -- The slow-motion revolution / Robert R. Provine -- Why human nature will rebel / Nicholas Humphrey