Estonian nesting osprey (Pandion haliaetus) populations’ health and relation to pollutant

Final Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine Osprey is a sentinel species around the world for assessing and monitoring environmental contamination of aquatic ecosystems. In different researches it has been found that they are sensitive to a wide range of bioaccumulative contaminants. Hence being...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Palm, Hanna
Other Authors: Leivits, Madis (advisor)
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Eesti Maaülikool 2024
Online Access:
Summary:Final Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine Osprey is a sentinel species around the world for assessing and monitoring environmental contamination of aquatic ecosystems. In different researches it has been found that they are sensitive to a wide range of bioaccumulative contaminants. Hence being strictly piscivorous, it is possible to link their diet to sources of localized contaminant exposure. However, there are no such studies conducted in Estonia. Also, not much is known about the overall health parameters of ospreys, including biochemical and hematological values. 11 birds from different Estonian areas were included in this study. Blood samples from all birds were subjected to haematological and biochemical blood analysis and they were also tested for traces of mercury, lead and cadmium. The results were compared with previous studies and also regionalized between populations and gender. Overall, the results remained in within the range of previously studied references. There were some exceptions, which can be attributed to the variation in the ages of the birds involved in the studies. There were also some differences between two populations in biochemical analyses, which could be related to nutritional indicators. Further collection of samples and testingi s advised in order to have a better understanding of the differences between these Estonian populations. Kalakotkas (Pandion haliaetus) on üle maailma üks indikaatorliikidest, kelle abil on võimalik jälgida veeökosüsteemide olukorda ja keskkonnasaastet. Erinevates uuringutes on leitud, et kalatkotkad on tundlikud paljude bioakumuleeruvate saasteainete suhtes. Kuna nad on ainult kalatoidulised, on nende toitumist võimalik siduda kohaliku saasteainete kokkupuute allikatega. Eestis aga selliseid uuringuid varasemalt läbi viidud ei ole. Samuti ei ole palju teada kalakotkaste üldistest vereparameetritest, sealhulgas biokeemilistest ja hematoloogilistest näitajatest. Antud uuringusse kaasati 11 lindu erinevatest Eesti piirkondadest. Kõikide lindude ...