Rabies situation in Estonia 2006-2020

Final Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine Rabies virus is zoonotic virus from the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rabdoviridae from order Mononegavirale. It has spread worldwide, excluding some islands like Antarctica and Australia, and without treatment leads to death within days after the infe...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pyhälä, Outi
Other Authors: Onoper, Alar (advisor)
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Eesti Maaülikool 2024
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10492/8921
Summary:Final Thesis Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine Rabies virus is zoonotic virus from the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rabdoviridae from order Mononegavirale. It has spread worldwide, excluding some islands like Antarctica and Australia, and without treatment leads to death within days after the infection. Most common human infection occurs via infected pet animal bite. The deadly nature of the disease has been major reason to start the eradication of it. Now a days the most problematic areas are the developing countries without proper eradication measures and lack of sufficient health care. With proper prophylactic measures, mostly vaccinations, the disease is 100 % preventable. In Europe oral vaccination campaigns of wild animals have been the most successful way to prevent human and pet animal infections and have been key factor in eradication prosses. In Estonia oral vaccination campaigns started in large scale in 2005. After that the eradication of rabies from Estonia have been possible. With the oral vaccinations of wild animals, the infections of the pet animals have come to an end. The remarkably decrease in rabies cases among wild and pet animals happened after the year 2006. The last rabies case in Estonia has been documented in 2011 and the rabies free status was achieved in 2013. Marutaudiviirus on zoonootiline viirus perekonnast Lyssavirus Rabdoviridae sugukonnast Mononegavirale. See on levinud kogu maailmas, välja arvatud mõned saared, nagu Antarktika ja Austraalia, ning ilma ravita põhjustab surma mõne päeva jooksul pärast nakatumist. Kõige sagedamini nakatub inimene nakatunud lemmikloomade hammustuse kaudu. Haiguse surmav iseloom on olnud peamine põhjus selle likvideerimise alustamiseks. Tänapäeval on kõige probleemsemateks piirkondadeks arengumaad, kus puuduvad korralikud likvideerimismeetmed ja piisava tervisekaitse puudumine. Õigete profülaktiliste meetmetega, enamasti vaktsineerimisega, on haigus 100% ennetatav. Euroopas on metsloomade suukaudsed vaktsineerimiskampaaniad olnud kõige edukam ...