Summary:The Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) has charged the Arctic Patrol Vessel Team with the task of designing an Arctic Patrol Vessel (APV) in the Center for Innovation and Ship Design at Carderock, West Bethesda. The APV must conduct long endurance patrol missions in the Arctic, where it will detect and interdict foreign vessels and be resilient to the harsh environment of the area. Requirements developed for the APV include an endurance of approximately 7,000 nautical miles, a minimum operating temperature of -40 degrees F, operation in sea state 6 and survivability in sea state 8, operation in the Marginal Ice Zone, and resistance to topside icing. The APV is a Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) ship with a full load displacement of 6,482 long tons and a top speed of 20 knots. While a SWATH ship has not been tested in heavy ice packs, the advantages a SWATH brings in seakeeping make up for any range lost from not being able to perform as an ice breaking ship. The APV is powered by a twin Azipod system, which improves fuel efficiency and maneuverability. A diesel-electric system provides the APV's power, featuring four diesel generator sets. This system allows the APV to turn different engine and generator sets on and off to achieve the required power for a specific mission and reduce fuel consumption. To reduce topside icing, the deck and superstructure are designed to prevent ice formation, deck equipment is enclosed, and an AEMS houses radar and sensors. Additionally, a heat exchanger system was examined for assistance in heating the main deck, equipment enclosures, railings, and the AEMS. The APV's detection systems include sonar and radar systems. Its weapons include a 57mm gun and a Close-In Weapons System. It carries a helicopter, unmanned air vehicles, a patrol boat, and a rescue boat for various missions. The original document contains color images.