Summary:This document provides the results of environmental monitoring studies done in support of the 24 April 2002 launch of the Quick Reaction Launch Vehicle (QRLV-2) from the Kodiak Launch Complex (KLC), Kodiak Island, Alaska. The University of Alaska Anchorage's Environment and Natural Resources Institute (ENRI) conducted the studies under contract to the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation (AADC), which is a state-owned entity. An Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) was developed by ENRI for five environmental monitoring tasks: Steller sea lion surveys, rocket motor noise measurements, bald eagle nest monitoring, Steller's eider surveys, and environmental quality monitoring. The EMP had a design life of five launches, with the last occurring in November 2001. AADC subsequently requested that ENRI develop an integrated series of environmental studies for KLC launches in 2002. Four prelaunch and three postlaunch bird surveys were successfully conducted 20-26 April. ENRI conducted point-count surveys at 11 locations and did a complete survey of the lagoon immediately northeast of the launch pad. All birds seen within a 500-meter radius of each point-count station over a 15-minute period were identified to species and tallied. Steller's eiders were only observed in the study area during the first survey, therefore no conclusions regarding the effects of rocket motor noise on this species can be drawn. Pre- and postlaunch harlequin duck numbers were similar, indicating the QRLV-2 launch did not adversely affect the species. The rocket launch also did not produce noticeable effects on the bald eagles that were nesting in the area. This Environmental Assessment also includes the results of surface water chemistry tests to detect any changes in aquatic chemistry, collection of aquatic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators of change, and surveys of epiphytic macrolichens to monitor vegetation. (14 tables, 5 figures, 15 refs.)