Summary:This report presents the results of archeological survey and testing of the planned Palmetto and Coochie Revetment extensions, in Adams County, Mississippi, and Concordia Parish, Louisiana. Fieldwork was conducted in April 1992 by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District. Fieldwork consisted of a preliminary reconnaissance followed by systematic testing within the two areas. Based on data collected during the reconnaissance, the post-1918 upriver portion of each area was not tested systematically. The 17 ac downriver portion of the Palmetto Revetment project area was tested through systematic excavation of 102 shovel tests. The downriver 16.5 ac portion of the Coochie Revetment project area was examined through the systematic excavation of 52 auger tests. No archeological remains or historic standing structures were located within the two project areas; no additional archeological testing was recommended.