Formica pratensis sex allocation

Numerical sex allocation data from Formica pratensis colonies from Southern Finland, 2007-2009. Data collected from two cohorts each year, with different sex allocation strategies in the two cohorts. Columns: nest = nest ID, cluster = ID of the colony (for monodomous nests this equals the nest ID, f...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Helanterä, Heikki, Kulmuni, Jonna, Pamilo, Pekka
Format: Dataset
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Numerical sex allocation data from Formica pratensis colonies from Southern Finland, 2007-2009. Data collected from two cohorts each year, with different sex allocation strategies in the two cohorts. Columns: nest = nest ID, cluster = ID of the colony (for monodomous nests this equals the nest ID, for polydomous colonies several nests are included in the same colony, based on their close physical proximity in the field), year = year, cohort: 1 = early, 2 = late, totalm = number of males in the sample, totalf = number of females in the sample, propmales = totalm /(totalm + totalf), r = relatedness among nestmate workers, calculated based on the genotypes in the pratensis_genotypes.txt file. Note that there are in some cases several lines containing data from the same nest and cohort, which are different sample containers from the same sampling event, not treated as independent data points. Also note that not all the nests are present in the genotype file, even if they have a relatedness value - these are cases where the relatedness estimate is the same as for the other nests in the same cluster.