At first glance, Science and Art seem to be very different, as Science is supposed to be objective and guided by data, while Art is subjective and strongly influenced by feelings and opinions. While the results of Science and Art are quite different, both processes have undeniable similarities. Both...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Valentina Kubale
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: University of Ljubljana Press (Založba Univerze v Ljubljani) 2023
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Summary:At first glance, Science and Art seem to be very different, as Science is supposed to be objective and guided by data, while Art is subjective and strongly influenced by feelings and opinions. While the results of Science and Art are quite different, both processes have undeniable similarities. Both put ideas about the world into a form that allows the viewer to connect with the idea. Observing a cell, a snake, or human nature is what natural sciences and art depend on, albeit for different purposes. Veterinary and medical illustrations capture visual representations of the animal or human body or individual parts for documentation purposes, for teaching, or for veterinary/medical practice. They are closely related to historical, social, and technological developments that have influenced and have been influenced by the content of illustrations, the artists themselves, and the techniques used to produce, reproduce, and disseminate them from prehistoric and historical times to the present. ILUSTRACIJA V VETERINI: ZNANOST IN UMETNOST SKUPAJ PRIPOVEDUJETA ZGODBO Na prvi pogled se zdi, da sta si znanost in umetnost zelo raznoliki, saj naj bi bila Znanost objektivne narave ter podprta z pridobljenimi rezultati, medtem ko naj bi bila Umetnost bolj subjektivne narave ter močno pod vplivom občutkov in mnenj. Medtem, ko so rezultati, ki jih prinašata znanost in umetnost precej različni, sta hkrati po drugi strani obe zelo podobni, saj predstavita svoje ideje na način, da se opazovalec z njimi poveže. Znanost in umetnost temeljita na opazovanju bodisi celice, kače ali človeške narave, pa čeprav z različnim namenom. Veterinarske in medicinske ilustracije so bistvenega pomena za vizualno predstavljane zgradbe živalskega ter človeškega telesa oz. njegovih posameznih delov za namene dokumentiranja, poučevanja ali za namene veterinarske medicine / medicine v praksi. Tesno so povezane z zgodovinskim, družbenim in tehnološkim razvojem, na katerega je vplivala vsebina ilustracij, umetniki sami in tehnike, ki so jih uporabili za ...