Trace elements in the alimentary tract of Svalbard reindeer

In the alimentary tract of Svalbard reindeer concentrations of Fe and Co were higher in winter than in summer, whereas the concentrations of Mn and Cu were equal in both seasons. Zn concentrations were higher in summer throughout the alimentary tract, but Mo were highest only in the distal part. The...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Rangifer
Main Author: Hans Staaland
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Septentrio Academic Publishing 1985
Online Access:
Summary:In the alimentary tract of Svalbard reindeer concentrations of Fe and Co were higher in winter than in summer, whereas the concentrations of Mn and Cu were equal in both seasons. Zn concentrations were higher in summer throughout the alimentary tract, but Mo were highest only in the distal part. The general pattern of absorption in the alimentary tract seems to correspond to findings in other ruminants. The very high levels of Fe and Co are emphasized. Sporelementer i fordøyelseskanalen hos Svalbard-rein. Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Konsentrasjonen av Fe og Co i fordøyelsessystemet hos Svalbard-rein var høyere om vinteren enn om sommeren, mens konsentrasjonene av Mn og Cu var like vinter og sommer. Zn konsentrasjonene var høyest om sommeren gjennom hele fordøyelsessystemet, mens Mo konsentrasjonene var høyest i det distale avsnittet. Det generelle absorbsjonsmønster synes å stemme overens med funn fra andre drøvtyggere. De svært høye nivåer av Fe og Co blir fremhevet. Huippuvuorten peuran ruoansulatuskanavan ilmaisijaelementeistå. Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Huippuvuorten peuran ruoansulatuskanavassa mitattiin talvella korkeammat Fe- ja Co-pitoisuudet kuin kesalla, kun taas Mn- ja Cu-pitoisuudet olivat samanlaisia kesålla ja talvella. Zn-pitoisuudet olivat korkeimmillaan kesållå koko ruoansulatuskanavassa, kun taas Mo-pitoisuudet olivat korkeimmat kanavan distaaliosassa. Yleinen absorptiomalli nayttaa hyvin sopivan yhteen muilla mårehtijoilla tehtyjen loydosten kanssa. Tutkimuksessa korostetaan raudan ja koboltin erityisen korkeaa tasoa.