Downward fluxes of particulate organic matter in coastal and oceanic areas off Chile: The role of the OMZ and functional groups of the plankton Flujo vertical de materia orgánica particulada en áreas costeras y oceánicas de Chile: El rol de la ZMO y los grupos funcionales del plancton

Vertical fluxes of particles have been estimated during the last decade in coastal and oceanic systems off central-southern Chile. Free-drifting, cylindrical sediment traps have been deployed below the mixing layer from coastal areas, while automatic, cone-shaped sediment traps have been anchored in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: H E González, G Daneri, E Menschel, M Marchant, S Pantoja, D Hebbeln, C Barria, R Vera, J Iriarte
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Universidad de Concepción 2006
Online Access:
Summary:Vertical fluxes of particles have been estimated during the last decade in coastal and oceanic systems off central-southern Chile. Free-drifting, cylindrical sediment traps have been deployed below the mixing layer from coastal areas, while automatic, cone-shaped sediment traps have been anchored in deep oceanic areas. Vertical fluxes toward 2300 m depth off Coquimbo were dominated by calcium carbonate (~70 mg m-2 d-1) instead of particulate organic carbon (POC ~7 mg m-2 d-1), where foraminifers (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) and faecal pellets of Euphausia mucronata and Oikopleura spp, played important roles as vehicles for carbonate and carbon, respectively. In coastal upwelling systems, (i. e. Concepción), the dominant vertical flux was POC, mainly driven by euphausiids faecal strings and diatoms of the genera Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros and Skeletonema. Bacterial degradation of exported POC towards deeper layer of the ocean seems not to be significantly affected by the oxic versus hypoxic levels of dissolved oxygen characteristics of different water masses. Flujos verticales de partículas han sido estimados durante la última década en sistemas costeros y oceánicos frente a Chile centro-sur. Trampas cilíndricas derivando con la corriente han sido usadas bajo la capa de mezcla de sistemas costeros, mientras que trampas automáticas cónicas han sido ancladas en sistemas oceánicos profundos. Los flujos hacia 2300 m de profundidad frente a Coquimbo estuvieron dominados por carbonado de calcio (~70 mg m-2 d-1) más que carbono orgánico particulado (POC ~7 mg m-2 d-1), donde foraminiferos (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) y pellet fecales de Euphausia mucronata y Oikopleura spp, juegan un papel muy importante como vehículos de carbonato y carbono, respectivamente. En sistemas de surgencia costera (i.e., Concepción), el flujo vertical dominante fue POC, principalmente gobernado por pellets fecales de eufáusidos y diatomeas de los géneros Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros y Skeletonema. La degradación bacteriana de material ...