Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland II (LOMROG II) - Meteorological, Oceanographic and Ship Data Collected Onboard Icebreaker Oden during July 31 through September 9 2009 ... : Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland II (LOMROG II) - Meteorologiska och oceanografiska data, samt skeppsdata, insamlade ombord på isbrytaren Oden från 31 juli till 9 september 2009 ...

The LOMROG II expedition was carried out in the summer of 2009 by the Danish Continental Shelf Project in cooperation with the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat and the Swedish Maritime Administration. The expedition was a follow-up to LOMROG, which was conducted in 2007. The Swedish icebreaker Ode...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
Format: Dataset
Published: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat 2017
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5879/ecds/2016-07-07.4/1
Summary:The LOMROG II expedition was carried out in the summer of 2009 by the Danish Continental Shelf Project in cooperation with the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat and the Swedish Maritime Administration. The expedition was a follow-up to LOMROG, which was conducted in 2007. The Swedish icebreaker Oden served as the research platform, while the actual research areas was selected based on the prevailing ice situation, particularly in the area around the North Pole. In 2009 Oden operated without the assistance of another icebreaker. The expedition focused on the areas around the North Pole, although the area northeast of Greenland also was included. The researchers were particularly interested in the Lomonosov Ridge, a mountain ridge on the ocean floor. To break through the nearly impenetrable icepack, Oden was assisted by one of the world’s most powerful icebreakers, the Russian 50 Let Pobedy.The Danish researchers mainly worked on the Continental Shelf Project, which is affiliated with the UN Convention on the ... : Under sommaren 2009 genomfördes expeditionen LOMROG II (Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland) av det danska Kontinentalsokkelprojektet i samarbete med Polarforskningssekretariatet och Sjöfartsverket. Expeditionen var en uppföljning av LOMROG, som genomfördes år 2007. Den svenska isbrytaren Oden fungerade som forskningsplattform och forskningsområdena valdes beroende på den rådande issituationen, framför allt i området kring Nordpolen. 2009 opererade Oden utan assistans från annan isbrytare. I fokus låg områdena kring Nordpolen, men även området nordost om Grönland var aktuellt. Särskilt Lomonosovryggen, en bergsrygg på havsbottnen, tilldrog sig forskarnas intresse. De danska forskarna arbetade främst inom Kontinentalsokkelprojektet, som har koppling till FN:s havsrättskonvention om nationers anspråk på havsbotten. Med hjälp av ett avancerat flerstråligt 3D-ekolod, seismik och provtagning av sediment och vatten samlade forskarna information om havsbottnens utseende och uppbyggnad. En grupp maringeologer från ...