Summary:Carbon flux data are reported as Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Gross Ecosystem Exchange (GEE), Ecosystem Respiration (ER), and Methane (CH4) flux. Measurements were made at 82 plots across various polygon geomorphic classes at research sites on the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO), the Biocomplexity Experiment site on the BEO, and the International Biological Program (IBP) site a little west of the BEO. ArcView GIS files available of the Land Cover Type Classifications. Dataset DOI:10.5440/1156852; This product is a compilation of data from 27 plots as presented in Lara et al. (2012), data from six plots presented in Olivas et al. (2010); and from 49 plots described in (Lara et al. 2014). Measurements were made during the peak of the growing seasons during 2006 to 2010. At each of the measurement plots (except Olivas et al., 2010) four different thicknesses of shade cloth were used to generate CO2 light response curves. Light response curves were used to normalize photosynthetically active radiation that is diurnally variable to a peak growing season average ~400 umolm-2sec-1. At the Olivas et al. (2010) plots, diurnal patterns were characterized by repeated sampling. CO2 measurements were made using a closed-chamber photosynthesis system and CH4 measurements were made using a photo-acoustic multi-gas analyzer. In addition, plot-level measurements for thaw depth (TD), water table depth (WTD), leaf area index (LAI), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) are summarized by geomorphic polygon type. Lara et al. 2014 Lara MJ, McGuire AD, Euskirchen ES, Tweedie CE, Hinkel KM, Skurikhin AN, Romanovsky VE, Grosse G, Bolton WR, Genet H (2014) Polygonal tundra geomorphological change in response to warming alters future CO2 and CH4 flux on the Barrow Peninsula. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12757 Lara et al. 2012 Lara MJ, Villarreal S, Johnson DR, Hollister RD, Webber PJ, Tweedie CE (2012) Estimated change in tundra ecosystem function near Barrow, Alaska between 1972 and 2010. Environmental Research Letters, 7. Olivas et al. 2010 Olivas PC, Oberbauer SF, Tweedie C, Oechel WC, Lin D, Kuchy A (2011) Effects of Fine-Scale Topography on CO2 Flux Components of Alaskan Coastal Plain Tundra: Response to Contrasting Growing Seasons. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 43, 256-266.