Summary:A new subglacial bed Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands (ESH) was created from previously gridded bed elevation data and new unpublished radar data. The new DEM includes the upper reaches of Pine Island Glacier, Rutford and Institute Ice Streams and reveals new topographical features. The main findings on this new DEM are two linear deep throughs with a perpendicular transection valley near Subglacial Lake Ellsworth. Additionally, using the new DEM and ice surface elevation data from CryoSat2 ice surface DEM, a hydropotential model was built and used to create a detailed hydropotential model of ESH to simulate the subglacial hydrological network. This approach allowed us to characterize basal hydrology, subglacial water catchments and connections between them. In this characterization we noticed the mismatch between subglacial hydrological catchment and ice surfaces catchment of Rutford Ice Stream, Pine Island Glacier and Thwaites Glacier. Funding was provided by NERC Antarctic ... : We used four existing gridded bed elevation data to create a new Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands (ESH). This data include: BedMap2 (Fretwell et al., 2013), ice thickness measurements from DELORES (2007-2009) and CECs (2005/2006) (Siegert et al., 2012), new along-track ice thickness measurements from the 2014 CECs RES campaign (Rivera et al., 2015) and unpublished radar measurements from the CECs 2017 RES field campaign in ESH region using a Very High Frequency (VHF) radar and a Medium Frequency (MF) radar (Zamora et al., 2019; Uribe et al., 2019). We used a 2 km grid mesh with a continuous curvature tension spline algorithm (Paxman et al., 2017) to grid the data. We masked the grid to remove interpolated values more than 5 km from the nearest measured data point and replaced them with BedMap2 bed elevation values. We down-sampled the original cell size of BedMap2 (1 km) to match the resolution of the new DEM (2 km) using the nearest neighbour algorithm. Values of bed ...