
ARCTIIDAE LITHOSIINAE Acsalini Bendib and Minet, 2000 ACSALA Benjamin, 1935 1. anomala Benjamin, 1935 [incorrectly placed in Lymantriidae by Ferguson (1978)] Eudesmiini Bendib and Minet, 2000 EUDESMIA Hübner, 1823 RUSCINO Walker, 1854 GERBA Walker, 1865 2. arida (Skinner, 1906) 3. menea (Drury, 1782...

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Main Authors: Ferguson, Douglas C., Opler, Paul A.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2006
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Summary:ARCTIIDAE LITHOSIINAE Acsalini Bendib and Minet, 2000 ACSALA Benjamin, 1935 1. anomala Benjamin, 1935 [incorrectly placed in Lymantriidae by Ferguson (1978)] Eudesmiini Bendib and Minet, 2000 EUDESMIA Hübner, 1823 RUSCINO Walker, 1854 GERBA Walker, 1865 2. arida (Skinner, 1906) 3. menea (Drury, 1782) laetifera (Walker, 1864) latifasciatus (Butler, 1875) Cisthenini Bendib and Minet, 2000 CISTHENE Walker, 1854 ILLICE Walker, 1859 PYRALIDIA Felder, 1868 BYSSOPHAGA Stretch, 1874 OZODANIA Dyar, 1899 4. subrufa (Barnes & McDunnough, 1913) 5. unifascia Grote & Robinson, 1868 ruptifascia (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) mexicana (Draudt, 1918) 6. kentuckiensis (Dyar, 1904) 7. liberomacula (Dyar, 1904) basijuncta (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) 8. deserta (Felder, 1868) nexa (Boisduval, 1869) grisea (Packard, 1872) 9. faustinula (Boisduval, 1869) fusca Stretch, 1874 10. dorsimacula (Dyar, 1904) 11. tenuifascia Harvey, 1875 interrupta (Draudt, 1918) a. schwarziorum (Dyar, 1899), new combination [Formerly treated as a synonym of tenuifascia facies of specimens from Arizona, including those from the type locality of schwarziorum , are distinct from those of nomenotypic tenuifascia from Texas.] 12. plumbea Stretch, 1885 injecta (Dyar, 1904) gamma (Dyar, 1904) flavicosta (Draudt, 1918) 13. striata Ottolengui., 1898 apicipicta (Strand, 1922) 14. perrosea (Dyar, 1904) 15. angelus (Dyar, 1904) 16. subjecta Walker, 1854 bellicula (Dyar, 1921) 17. packardii (Grote, 1863) 18. conjuncta (Barnes & McDunnough, 1913) 19. barnesii (Dyar, 1904) flavula (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) costimacula (Draudt, 1918) flava (Draudt, 1919) 20. picta (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) texensis (Draudt, 1918) 21. juanita Barnes & Benjamin, 1925 22. coronado C.B. Knowlton, 1967 23. martini C.B. Knowlton, 1967 PTYCHOGLENE Felder, 1868 24. coccinea (Henry Edwards, 1886) 25. phrada Druce, 1889 flammans Dyar, 1898 26. sanguineola (Boisduval, 1870) PROPYRIA Hampson, 1898 27. schausi (Dyar, 1898) LYCOMORPHA Harris, 1839 PREPODES Herrich­Schäffer, 1855 ANATOLMIS Packard, 1864 28. grotei (Packard, 1864) palmerii Packard, 1872 a. pulchra Dyar, 1898 29. regulus (Grinnell, 1903) 30. fulgens (Henry Edwards, 1881) tenuimargo Holland, 1903 31. splendens Barnes & McDunnough, 1912 32. pholus (Drury, 1773) a. miniata Packard, 1872 33. desertus Henry Edwards, 1881 HYPOPREPIA Hübner, 1825 [1831] [NOTE. Eastern species of Hypoprepia are represented by numerous forms, and the species­level taxonomy is unresolved. This does not apply to western species, except perhaps in Texas.] 34. miniata (Kirby, 1837) vittata (Harris, 1841) a. mississippiensis Barnes & Benjamin, 1926 35. fucosa Hübner, 1825 [1831] a. subornata Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893 inornata Ottolengui, 1895 dollii Dyar, 1906 b. tricolor (Fitch, 1856) plumbea Henry Edwards, 1886 36. cadaverosa Strecker, 1878 37. inculta Henry Edwards, 1882 HAEMATOMIS Schaus, 1899 38. uniformis Schaus, 1899 mexicana of authors (not Druce, 1885) RHABDATOMIS Dyar, 1907 39. laudamia (Druce, 1885) LYCOMORPHODES Hampson, 1900 40. sordida (Butler, 1877) BRUCEIA Neumoegen, 1893 41. pulverina Neumoegen, 1893 42. hubbardi Dyar, 1898 CLEMENSIA Packard, 1864 UXIA Walker, 1866 REPA Walker, 1866 43. albata Packard, 1864 albida (Walker, 1866) cana (Walker, 1866) a. umbrata Packard, 1872 irrorata Henry Edwards, 1873 44. patella (Druce, 1885), revised status [Raised from synonmy of albata this name is applicable to Pacific Coast populations.] EILEMA Hübner, 1819 45. bicolor (Grote, 1864) argillacea (Packard, 1864) CRAMBIDIA Packard, 1864 46. lithosioides Dyar, 1898 47. pallida Packard, 1864 48. uniformis Dyar, 1898 49. dusca Barnes & McDunnough, 1913 50. myrlosea Dyar, 1917 51. suffusa Barnes & McDunnough, 1913 52. impura Barnes & McDunnough, 1913 53. casta (Packard, 1869) candida (Henry Edwards, 1873) 54. pura Barnes & McDunnough, 1913 55. cephalica (Grote & Robinson, 1870) AGYLLA Walker, 1854 SALAPOLA Walker, 1863 CRAMBOMORPHA Felder, 1874 MACROCRAMBUS Kirby, 1892 56. septentrionalis Barnes & McDunnough, 1911 INOPSIS Felder, 1874 57. modulata (Henry Edwards, 1884) metella (Druce, 1885) scylla (Druce, 1885) 58. funerea (Grote, 1883) GNAMPTONYCHIA Hampson, 1900 59. ventralis Barnes & Lindsey, 1921 GARDINIA Kirby, 1892 GARDINICA Strand, 1932 60. anopla Hering, 1925 ARCTIINAE Arctiini VIRBIA Walker, 1854 [Classification follows Zaspel and Weller (2006).] HOLOMELINA Herrich­Schäffer, 1855 COTHOCIDA Walker, 1865 CYTORUS Grote, 1865 60. laeta (Guérin­Méneville, 1839) treatii (Grote, 1865) rubropicta (Packard, 1887) 61. costata (Stretch, 1884) opelloides (Graef, 1887) intermedia (Graef, 1887) parvula (Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893) cocciniceps (Schaus, 1901) pallipennis (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) 62. ostenta (Henry Edwards, 1881) calera Barnes, 1907 63. cetes (Druce, 1897) [Presence in North American uncertain.] 64. opella (Grote, 1863) obscura (Stretch, 1885) belmaria (Ehrmann, 1895) rubricosta (Ehrmann, 1895) flava (Barnes & Benjamin, 1925) 65. nigricans (Reakirt, 1864) nigrifera (Walker, 1865) 66. lamae (Freeman, 1941) 67. aurantiaca (Hübner, 1827) brevicornis (Walker, 1854) bimaculata (Saunders, 1869) 68. marginata (Druce, 1885) [Determination of North American material is uncertain, but U.S. specimens match Druce’s figure of marginata .] 69. rubicundaria (Hübner, 1827) belfragei (Stretch, 1885) diminutiva (Graef, 1887) rosa (French, 1890) 70. ferruginosa (Walker, 1854) quinaria (Grote, 1863) choriona (Reakirt, 1864) trimaculosa (Reakirt, 1864) buchholzi (Wyatt, 1963) 71. immaculata (Reakirt, 1864) 72. fragilis (Strecker, 1878) HOLOARCTIA Ferguson., 1984 73. cervini (Fallou, 1864) hnatecki (Frey, 1880) sordida (McDunnough, 1921) rougemonti (Bang­Haas, 1927) steitei (Röber, 1930) scriniensis (Berthet, 1948) fumata (Burmann, 1952) fasciat a (Burmann, 1952) teriolensis (Burmann, 1975) 74. fridolini (Torstenius, 1971) NEOARCTIA Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893 75. beanii (Neumoegen, 1891) fuscosa (Neumoegen, 1891) 76. brucei (Henry Edwards, 1888) 77. lafontainei Ferguson., 1985 HYPERBOREA Grum­Grshimailo, 1900 78. czekanowskii Grum­Grshimailo, 1900 czecanousci Hampson, 1920 [Unjustified emendation.] GRAMMIA Rambur, 1866 ORODEMNIAS Wallengren, 1885 MIMARCTIA Neumoegen & Dyar, 1894 HOLARCTIA M.E. Smith, 1938 79. obliterata (Stretch, 1885) turbans (Christoph, 1892) 80. quenseli (Paykull, 1793) strigosa (Fabricius, 1793) gelida (Möschler, 1864) 81. speciosa (Möschler, 1864) 82. virguncula (W. Kirby, 1837) otiosa (Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893) 83. philipiana Ferguson., 1985 84. anna (Grote, 1863) persephone (Grote, 1863) 85. parthenice (W. Kirby, 1837) saundersii (Grote, 1864) approximata (Stretch, 1885) circa (Stretch, 1906) a. intermedia (Stretch, 1874) stretchii (Grote, 1875) 86. virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) citrinaria (Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893) simplex (Stretch, 1906) 87. doris (Boisduval, 1869) nerea (Boisduval, 1869) michabo (Grote, 1875) a. minea (Slosson, 1892) 88. arge (Drury, 1773) dione (Fabricius, 1775) incarnatorubra (Goeze, 1781) nervosa (Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893) strigosa (Stretch, 1906) [Homonym] 89. ornata (Packard, 1864) achaia (Grote & Robinson, 1868) ochracea (Stretch, 1874) barda (Henry Edwards, 1881) simplicior (Butler, 1881) perpicta (Dyar, 1893) maculosa (Stretch, 1906) ochracea­rivulosa (Stretch, 1906) rivulosa (Stretch, 1906) californica (Cassino, 1917) hewletti (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918), revised synonymy [Listed as a separate species by Franclemont (1983).] sulphuricella (Strand, 1919) 90. edwardsi (Stretch, 1874), revised status [Listed by Franclemont (1983) as a form of Grammia ornata presumed extinct; formerly occurred only at San Francisco, California] 91. complicata (Walker, 1864), revised status [Listed by Franclemont (1983) as subspecies of Grammia ornata .] 92. blakei (Grote, 1864) 93. bolanderi (Stretch, 1874) confluentis (Strand, 1919) 94. cervinoides (Strecker, 1876) 95. elongata (Stretch, 1885) dieckii (Neumoegen, 1890) 96. williamsii (Dodge, 1871) determinata (Neumoegen, 1881) a. tooele (Barnes & McDunnough, 1910 ophir (Barnes & McDunnough, 1910) 97. allectans Ferguson., 1985 98. nevadensis (Grote and Robinson, 1866) a. geneura (Strecker, 1880) b. superba (Stretch, 1874) c. gibsoni (McDunnough, 1937) 99. incorrupta (Henry Edwards, 1881) [We are selecting as the lectotype of incorrupta a specimen labeled Prescott, Arizona, which will establish it as the name that applies to the form from Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. This action is taken in order to stabilize the nomenclature because the next available name, sulphurica Neumoegen, is based on an aberrant yellow specimen.] ochracea (Neumoegen, 1883) [Homonym] sulphurica (Neumoegen, 1885) 100. behrii (Stretch, 1874) 101. phyllira (Drury, 1773) b­ata (Goeze, 1781) oithona (Strecker, 1878), new synonymy . [This taxon was listed as a distinct species by Franclemont (1983).] rectilinea (French, 1879), revised synonymy . [This taxon was listed as a synonym of Grammia oithona (Strecker) by Franclemont (1983).] dodgei (Butler, 1881) conspicua (Stretch, 1906), revised synonymy . [This taxon was listed as a synonym of Grammia oithona (Strecker) by Franclemont (1983).] 102. favorita (Neumoegen, 1890) avoritella (Strand, 1919) 103. celia (Saunders, 1863) franconia (Henry Edwards, 1888) 104. figurata (Drury, 1773) ceramica (Hübner, 1820) snowi (Grote, 1875) excelsa (Neumoegen, 1883) lugubris (Hulst, 1887) preciosa (Nixon, 1911) 105. f­pallida (Strecker, 1878) quadranotata (Strecker, 1880), new synonymy. [This taxon was listed as a distinct species by Franclemont (1983).] sociata (Barnes & McDunnough, 1910), new synonymy. [This taxon was listed as a distinct species by Franclemont (1983).] moierra (Dyar, 1914), revised synonymy. [This taxon was listed as a synonym of Grammia quadranotata by Franclemont (1983).] 106. placentia (J. E. Smith, 1797) flammea (Neumoegen, 1881) NOTARCTIA M. E. Smith, 1938 107. proxima (Guérin­Méneville, 1844) docta (Walker, 1855) mexicana (Grote & Robinson, 1867) autholea (Boisduval, 1869) 108 arizoniensis (Stretch, 1874). mormonica (Neumoegen, 1885). Revised synonymy. [This taxon was listed as a subspecies of N. proxima by Franclemont (1983).] APANTESIS Walker, 1855 109. phalerata (Harris, 1841) incompleta (Butler, 1881) rhoda (Butler, 1881) incarnata (Stretch, 1906) pulcherrima (Stretch, 1906) naidella Strand, 1919 vittatula Strand, 1919 rhodana Strand, 1919 110. vittata (Fabricius, 1787) radians Walker, 1855 colorata (Walker, 1865) a. floridana Cassino, 1918 ochracea Cassino, 1918 subterminalis Strand, 1919 111. nais (Drury, 1773) cuneata (Goeze, 1781) decorata (Saunders, 1863) ochreata (Butler, 1881) phaleratula Strand, 1919 112. carlotta Ferguson, 1985 PARASEMIA Hübner 1816 [1820] NEMEOPHILA Stephens, 1828 CHIONOPHILA Guenée, 1865 EUPSYCHOMA Grote, 1865 113. plantaginis (Linnaeus, 1758) hospita (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1776) petrosa (Walker, 1855) modesta (Packard, 1864) scudderi (Packard, 1864) geometrica (Grote, 1865) caespitis (Grote & Robinson, 1868) cichorii (Grote & Robinson, 1868) geddesi (Neumoegen, 1884) selwynii (Henry Edwards, 1885) alascensis (Stretch, 1906) ACERBIA Sotavalta, 1963 114. alpina (Quensel, 1802) [Extralimital] thulea (Dalman, 1823) a. johanseni (Bang­Haas, 1927) PARARCTIA Sotavalta, 1965 115. lapponica (Thunberg, 1791) [Extralimital] festiva (Borkhausen, 1790) [Homonym] avia (Hübner, 1827) a. hyperborea (Curtis, 1835) b. gibsoni (Bang­Haas, 1927) 116. yarrowii (Stretch, 1874) remissa (Henry Edwards, 1888) 117. subnebulosa (Dyar, 1899) PLATARCTIA Packard, 1864 118. parthenos (Harris, 1850) borealis (Möschler, 1860) parvimaculata (Brower, 1973) multimaculata (Brower, 1973) obsolescens (Brower, 1973) PLATYPREPIA Dyar, 1897 119. virginalis (Boisduval, 1852) guttata (Boisduval, 1852) ochracea (Stretch, 1874) ARCTIA Schrank, 1802 EYPREPIA Ochsenheimer, 1810 ZOOTE Hübner, 1816 [1820] CALLARCTIA Packard, 1864 120. caja (Linnaeus, 1758) [Extralimital] erinacea (Retzius, 1783) a. waroi Barnes & Benjamin, 1927. b. americana Harris, 1841 c. utahensis (Henry Edwards, 1887) transmontana (Neumoegen & Dyar, 1893) 121. opulenta (Henry Edwards, 1881) [Revised status by Lafontaine & Troubridge (2000).] parva Rothschild, 1910, revised synonymy. [This taxon was listed as a subspecies of A. caja by Franclemont (1983).] virginivir Dyar, 1923 122. brachyptera Lafontaine & Troubridge, 2000 PHRAGMATOBIA Stephens, 1828 123. fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758) [Extralimital] a. rubricosa (Harris, 1841) dallii Packard, 1870 124. lineata Newman & Donahue, 1966 125. assimilans Walker, 1855 franconia Slosson, 1891 SONORARCTIA Ferguson, 1985 126. fervida (Walker, 1855) commixta (Butler, 1877) rodriguezi (Druce, 1890) LEPTARCTIA Stretch, 1874 127. californiae (Walker, 1855) lena (Boisduval, 1869) adnata (Boisduval, 1869)? melanis (Boisduval, 1869)? californica Boisduval, 1869) decia (Boisduval, 1869) dimidiata Stretch, 1874 boisduvalii Butler, 1881 fulvofasciata Butler, 1881 latifasciata Butler, 1881 stretchii Butler, 1881 albifascia French, 1889 occidentalis French, 1889 wrightii French, 1889 KODIOSOMA Stretch, 1874 128. fulva Stretch, 1874 [Original orthography] nigrum Stretch, 1874 eavesii Stretch, 1874 tricolor Stretch, 1874 otero Barnes, 1907, new synonymy . [This taxon was listed as a separate species by Franclemont (1983), but it is a color form of K. fulva .] PYRRHARCTIA Packard, 1864 129. isabella (J.E. Smith, 1797) californica Packard, 1864 SEIRARCTIA Packard, 1864 130. echo (J.E. Smith, 1797) niobe (Strecker, 1885) ESTIGMENE Hübner, 1816 [1820] LEUCARCTIA Packard, 1864 131. acrea (Drury, 1773) caprotina (Drury, 1773) pseuderminea (Harris, 1841) californica (Packard, 1864) mexicana : Published as part of Ferguson, Douglas C. & Opler, Paul A., 2006, Checklist of the Arctiidae (Lepidoptera: Insecta) of the continental United States and Canada, pp. 1-33 in Zootaxa 1299 on pages 3-32, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.273542 : {"references": ["Bendib, A. & Minet, J. (2000) Lithosiine main lineages and their possible interrelationships. 1. Definition of new or resurrected tribes (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Annales de Socit Entomologique de France, 35 (1999), 241 - 263.", "Hampson, G. F. 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J. & Rawlins, J. E. (1999) Noctuoidea. In: Kristensen, N. P. (Ed.), Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies. Handbch der Zoologie. Volume IV. Arthropoda: Insecta. Part 35. Volume 1. Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, pp. 355 - 401"]}