Prionospio (Prionospio) steenstrupi Malmgren 1867

Prionospio ( Prionospio ) steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867 Prionospio steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867: 201 –202, pl. 10, fig. 55; Söderström 1920: 232 –233, figs. 136, 138, 140; Fauvel 1927: 60, fig. 21 f–i; Day 1967: 489, fig. 18.9 o–r; Hartman 1969: 165 –166, figs. 1–2; Foster 1971: 84 –87, figs. 175– 178; B...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Dagli, Ertan, Çinar, Melih Ertan
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2009
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Summary:Prionospio ( Prionospio ) steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867 Prionospio steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867: 201 –202, pl. 10, fig. 55; Söderström 1920: 232 –233, figs. 136, 138, 140; Fauvel 1927: 60, fig. 21 f–i; Day 1967: 489, fig. 18.9 o–r; Hartman 1969: 165 –166, figs. 1–2; Foster 1971: 84 –87, figs. 175– 178; Blake & Kudenov 1978: 213, fig. 20 a; Sigvaldadóttir & Mackie 1993: 204 –207, figs. 1–2; Sigvaldadóttir 1996: 17, fig. 7. Prionospio ( Prionospio ) steenstrupi : Light 1978: 88 –92, figs. 89–90; Johnson 1984: 47 –49, figs. 37, 38; Maciolek 1985: 332 –335, fig. 1; Blake 1996: 123 –125, fig. 9; Hartman-Schröder 1996: 327 –328, fig. 148. Material examined. ESFM –POL/05– 3197, 6 specimens, 10 September 2005, Iskenderun Bay, G 5, 36 º 43 ΄ 44 ΄΄N, 35 º 43 ΄ 39 ΄΄E, 23 m, muddy sand; ESFM –POL/05– 3199, 1 specimen, 14 September 2005, Iskenderun Bay, K 9, 36 º 54 ΄ 22 ΄΄N, 35 º 58 ΄0 5 ΄΄E, 1 m, sand, rocky; ESFM –POL/05– 3198, 2 specimens, 17 September 2005, Mersin Bay, G 7, 36 º 46 ΄ 41 ΄΄N, 34 º 39 ΄ 39 ΄΄E, 10 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05– 3200, 1 specimen, 21 September 2005, Aydincik Bay, K 24, 36 º09΄ 11 ΄΄N, 33 º 20 ΄ 33 ΄΄E, 1 m, sand; ESFM –POL/05– 1875, 14 specimens, 0 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G 32, 36 º 38 ΄ 42 ΄΄N, 29 º03΄ 18 ΄΄E, 100 m, mud; ESFM –POL/05– 1912, 42 specimens, 0 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G 30, 36 º 39 ΄ 24 ΄΄N, 29 º04΄ 44 ΄΄E, 50 m, sandy mud; ESFM –POL/ 05– 1994, 41 specimens, 0 6 October 2005, Fethiye Bay, G 31, 36 º 38 ΄ 56 ΄΄N, 29 º03΄ 38 ΄΄E, 75 m, muddy sand. Diagnosis. Largest specimen incomplete, 0.41 mm wide, 6.7 mm long, with 61 chaetigers. Color in alcohol opaque white to pale yellow. Prostomium subtriangular, truncated on anterior margin, extending posteriorly as a narrow caruncle to anterior margin of chaetiger 2. Two pairs of small indistinct subdermal eyes; anterior pair single eyespots, posterior pair larger than anterior. Four pairs of branchiae on chaetigers 2– 5; first and fourth pairs with dense digitiform pinnules, of equal size; second and third pairs apinnate, equal in length, subtriangular, shorter than pinnate pairs, with densely ciliated sides and sharply pointed tip. Notopodial lamellae foliaceous, largest in branchial region; following notopodial lamellae subtriangular, progressively decreasing in size and becoming more rounded in posterior region. Notopodial lamellae united across dorsum, forming low crests from chaetiger 7–18; dorsal crests initially conspicuous, slightly higher on chaetiger 7, gradually decreasing thereafter. Dorsal skin folds between chaetigers 5–12. Neuropodial lamellae on chaetiger 2 subtriangular and ventrally pointed; largest in branchial region; gradually decreasing in size on following chaetigers. Ventral sabre chaeta first present on chaetiger 10, numbering 1–2 per fascicle. Multidentate hooded hooks first appearing on neuropodia of chaetigers 14–16, on notopodia of chaetigers 38– 40. Remarks. Prionospio ( P. ) steenstrupi has been reported from many areas in the world oceans (Foster 1971; Light 1978; Blake & Kudenov 1978; Hartman 1969; Johnson 1984; Maciolek 1985). According to Sigvaldadóttir & Mackie (1993), the distribution of P. ( P. ) steenstrupi is limited to the coast of Iceland and reports of this species from other regions are dubious. Blake (1996) reported that the distribution of this species includes the Arctic, Atlantic, and eastern Pacific Oceans. This species was also previously reported from the Mediterranean Sea (Fauvel 1927; Tebble 1959; Ben-Eliahu 1995; Simboura & Nicolaidou 2001; Çinar 2005). The comparion of the specimens collected during this study with the original and subsequent descriptions of this species indicated that P . ( P .) steenstrupi occurs in the Mediterranean, at least in the eastern Mediterranean. Ecology. The highest population density (420 individuals.m - 2) of this species was found on sandy mud substratum at 50 m depth at station G 30 (Fethiye Bay). Distribution. Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean (Blake 1996); Indian Ocean (Johnson 1984); Iceland (Sigvaldadóttir & Mackie 1993); Mediterranean Sea (Tebble 1959; Ergen 1992); 0.3– 2700 m. : Published as part of Dagli, Ertan & Çinar, Melih Ertan, 2009, Species of the subgenera Aquilaspio and Prionospio (Polychaeta: Spionidae: Prionospio) from the southern coast of Turkey (Levantine Sea, eastern Mediterranean), with description of a new species and two new reports for the Mediterranean fauna, pp. 1-20 in Zootaxa 2275 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.191050 : {"references": ["Malmgren, A. J. (1867) Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiae, Gronlandiae, Islandiae et Scandinaviae hactenus cognita. Ofversigt af Konglige Vetenskaps Akademiens Forhandlingar, Stockholm, 24, 127 - 235.", "Soderstrom, A. (1920) Studien uber die Polychaeten familie Spionidae. PhD thesis, Uppsala Universitet, 288 pp.", "Fauvel, P. (1927) Polychetes sedentaires. Addenda aux Errantes, Archiannelides, Myzostomaires. Faune de France, 16, 1 - 494.", "Day, J. H. (1967) A Monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part 2, Sedentaria. British Museum (Natural History) Publication No. 656, 459 - 878.", "Hartman, O. (1969) Atlas of the Sedentariate Polychaetous Annelids from California. Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 812 pp.", "Foster, N. M. (1971) Spionidae (Polychaeta) of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands, 36, 1 - 183.", "Blake, J. A. & Kudenov. J. D. (1978) The Spionidae (Polychaeta) from southeastern Australia and adjacent areas, with a revision of the genera. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, 39, 171 - 280.", "Sigvaldadottir, E. & Mackie, A. S. Y. (1993) Prionospio steenstrupi, P. fallax and P. dubia (Polychaeta, Spionidae): reevaluation of identity and status. Sarsia, 78, 203 - 219.", "Sigvaldadottir, E. (1996) Systematics of Spionidae and Prionospio (Polychaeta). PhD thesis, University of Stockholm, 32 pp.", "Light, W. J. (1978) Spionidae. Polychaeta: Annelida. Invertebrates of the San Francisco Bay Estuary System. The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove, California. 211 pp.", "Johnson, P. G. (1984) Family Spionidae Grube, 1850. In: Uebelacker J. M. & Johnson, P. G. (Eds.). Taxonomic Guide to the Polychaetes of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc., Mobile, Alabama. 6.1 - 6.9.", "Maciolek, N. J. (1985) A revision of the genus Prionospio Malmgren, with special emphasis on species from the Atlantic Ocean, and new records of species belonging to the genera Apoprionospio Foster, and Paraprionospio Caullery (Polychaeta: Spionidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 84, 325 - 383.", "Blake, J. A. (1996) Family Spionidae Grube, 1850. In: Blake, J. A, Hilbig, B. & Scott, P. H. (Eds.), Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel, Volume 6. The Annelida Part 3. Polychaeta: Orbiniidae to Cossuridae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, pp. 81 - 221.", "Hartmann-Schroder, G. (1996) Annelida, Borstenwurmer, Polychaeta. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 58 (2 nd Edition). Gustav Fischer, 648 pp.", "Tebble, N. (1959) On a collection of polychaetes from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Bulletin of Resolution Council Israel (Zoology), B 8, 9 - 30.", "Simboura, N. & Nicolaidou, A. (2001) The Polychaetes (Annelida, Polychaeta) of Greece: Checklist, distribution and ecological characteristics. Monographs on Marine Sciences, 4, 114 pp.", "Ergen, Z. (1992) The Latest Status of Polychaeta in the Soft Substrate of Izmir Bay. Rapport de la Commission International Exploration de la Mer. Mediterranee, 31, 36."]}