Tubpontania anomaloptera Forster 1854, comb. nov.

Tubpontania anomaloptera (Förster, 1854), comb. nov. Figs 2, 9, 11, 18. Nematus anomalopterus Förster, 1854: 308. Amauronematus maidli Zirngiebl, 1937: 336 –337, syn. nov. Nematus ( Pontania ) tuberculatus Benson, 1953: 151, syn. nov. Notes on original descriptions and type material. Nematus anomalo...

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Main Author: Vikberg, Veli
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2010
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6204379
Summary:Tubpontania anomaloptera (Förster, 1854), comb. nov. Figs 2, 9, 11, 18. Nematus anomalopterus Förster, 1854: 308. Amauronematus maidli Zirngiebl, 1937: 336 –337, syn. nov. Nematus ( Pontania ) tuberculatus Benson, 1953: 151, syn. nov. Notes on original descriptions and type material. Nematus anomalopterus was described from an unknown number of females collected near Aachen, Germany (Förster, 1854). Kopelke (2007a: 78) designated the lectotype female (ZSM), which was examined. The lectotype female of Nematus anomalopterus has a body length of 4.3 mm, and otherwise fits the original description of the species. The wing venation, which was regarded as unusual among species of Nematus by Förster (1854) is such as given in the original description. Some characters of the female lectotype: clypeus black, labrum pale yellow, mandible apically amber, medially yellowish brown, base near clypeus blackish, on lower margin whitish. Palpi brownish yellow. Frontal area weakly defined, slightly concave, tuberculate except small smooth area anterior to median ocellus, anterior wall slightly incised, frontal fovea small, shallow. Lateral margin of pronotum narrowly brownish. Tegula brown, slightly infuscate on medial margin. Upper half of mesepisternum densely hairy, with regular alutaceous sculpture, not shining; lower half smooth, shining, sparsely hairy; glabrous zone between upper and lower half interrupted in the middle by hairs. Costa and wing stigma entirely pale yellow. Coxae basally black, basal 0.6 of hind coxa black. Rest of legs brownish yellow. Tergum 4 medially with dense area of hairs but these mostly eaten (by psocid?). Cerci yellow, tergum 10 brown, apical margin yellowish. Lower margin of basal sheath yellow, apical sheath brown. Sawsheath in dorsal view (Fig. 2) triangular, subapically with tuft of long curved setae, on dorsal margin basad of these long setae with 2–4 shorter setae which are directed backwards, the most basal seta at a distance of 0.07 mm from long setae. Measurements of the lectotype female of Nematus anomalopterus . Body 4.3. Fore wing 4.4, costa 2.4. Head width 1.25, head height 0.85, head length 0.68. Malar space 0.10. Intertorular distance 0.15. Compound eye 0.56 x 0.40. Distance between eyes on frons 0.80, on face 0.79. POL 0.26, OOL 0.23, OD 0.07. Postocellar area 0.15 x 0.44. Flagellomeres missing. Hind femur 1.32, height 0.26. Hind tibia 1.54, apical width 0.20, inner hind spur 0.28, outer spur 0.24. Hind tarsomeres 1–4: 0.55, 0.25, 0.16, 0.11, 5 missing. Ovipositor sheath 1.00. Sawsheath 0.54 x 0.18. Cercus 0.14 x 0.05. All characters of the female lectotype fit the species which was named Nematus ( Pontania ) tuberculatus by Benson (1953). The photographs of the lectotype of Nematus anomalopterus are presented in Taeger & Blank (2008) under the name Phyllocolpa anomaloptera . Under the same name appear photographs of a female of Pontania joergenseni Enslin (identified by E. Enslin) and the holotype of Pontania cyrnea Liston. It can be seen that the last two specimens are similarly coloured (pale tegula, distinctly bicoloured stigma) and N. anomalopterus differs clearly by darker tegula and entirely pale yellow stigma. Note. The micropreparation containing two lancets attached to the pin of the lectotype of Nematus anomalopterus does not, in my opinion, belong to the same specimen or species but to Tubpontania cyrnea . It is labelled only “Kop”. Kopelke did not label his preparations with the name or code of the specimen: the correctly associated preparation of the paratype of Pontania cyrnea made by him was totally unlabelled. Such unlabelled preparations are easily transposed if two or more are handled at the same time. A good practice is to label the micropreparation with a code and to put a label with this code on the pin above the micropreparation. This is especially important with name bearing types because their preparations will frequently be removed to be studied, figured, photographed and compared with other preparations. My opinion that the micropreparation cannot belong to the specimen is based on a study of a large number of females of Tubpontania anomaloptera and T. cyrnea . No other specimen was found with the combination of lancet and other characters possessed by the lectotype of N. anomalopterus . The only explanation that I consider to be likely is given above. It might be possible to dissect the lectotype female, remove the basal parts of the ovipositor and check whether the cut ends correspond with each other, but I did not attempt this because of the high risk of severely damaging the specimen, especially the sheath. Amauronematus maidli Zirngiebl, 1937 was described from Istria, Croatia, based on one female specimen (see also Blank 1996: 205; the holotype (NHMV) was labelled Nematus anomalopterus Först. by O. Conde 1939). The author examined the holotype earlier (Zinovjev and Vikberg 1999: 292) and found that it fits within the range of variability of Pontania tuberculata (Benson). It was not examined again during the present study. Note. This species was synonymized with Phyllocolpa anomaloptera (Förster) by Kopelke (2007c), but his “ anomaloptera ” was the same as T. cyrnea in this paper; therefore the synonymization with T. anomaloptera is regarded as new. Nematus ( Pontania ) tuberculatus (Benson) was described in both sexes from Ireland and Scotland. The holotype female of the species came from Ireland, Co. Cavan, Lough Mentis, 18.5.1941, leg. R. C. Faris (BMNH; see also Quinlan 1974: 240). It was examined in September, 2008 during a visit to DEI, Müncheberg. A request to borrow the type was sent to BMNH at the end of January, 2009, but so far without positive result. Therefore no measurements of the holotype are available. Further description. Female. Lancet: radix with a group of 9–10 pores and 3 isolated pores; lamnium with 21 segments, apically slightly curved; annulus 2 with numerous ctenidial spines; long ctenidial spines on annuli 2–4–5 that reach aulax (Fig. 9). Tooth 10 from base (Fig. 11) with numerous small serrulae, with basal third distinctly elevated; postcalcar rounded; cypsella long, not emarginated. Measurements of a large female of Tubpontania anomaloptera from Kirkkonummi, Siikajärvi. Body 4.6. Fore wing 4.7, costa 2.6. Head width 1.31, head height 0.86, head length 0.73. Malar space 0.10. Intertorular distance 0.16. Compound eye 0.60 x 0.43. Distance between eyes on frons 0.85, on face 0.83. POL 0.27, OOL 0.24, OD 0.09. Postocellar area 0.15 x 0.45. Flagellomeres 1–7: 0.45 (height 0.15), 0.43, 0.42, 0.33, 0.30, 0.28, 0.32 (height 0.08); total 2.53. Hind femur 1.46, height 0.29. Hind tibia 1.60, apical width 0.20; inner hind spur 0.30, outer spur 0.23. Hind tarsomeres 1–5: 0.58, 0.26, 0.18, 0.09, 0.26; total 1.37. Hind claw 0.14. Ovipositor sheath 1.02. Sawsheath 0.51 x 0.15. Cercus 0.14 x 0.05. Male. Measurements of a large male of Tubpontania anomaloptera from Hattula: Body 4.3. Fore wing 4.1, costa 2.3. Head width 1.25, head height 0.84, head length 0.70. Malar space 0.10. Intertorular distance 0.16. Compound eye 0.55 x 0.40. Distance between eyes on frons 0.85, on face 0.77. POL 0.29, OOL 0.25, OD 0.07. Postocellar area 0.14 x 0.45. Flagellomeres 1–7: 0.42 (height 0.16), 0.41, 0.42, 0.34, 0.30, 0.30, 0.35 (height 0.08); total 2.54. Hind femur 1.30, height 0.25. Hind tibia 1.50, apical width 0.19, inner hind spur 0.30, outer spur 0.24. Hind tarsomeres 1–5: 0.55, 0.26, 0.18, 0.09, 0.25; total 1.33. Hind claw 0.12. Hypopygium 0.87 x 0.63. Variability. Length of body in females 3.0– 4.9 mm, in males 3.0– 4.4 mm. Head width in females 0.93– 1.32 mm, in males 0.94–1.26 mm. Ovipositor sheath length 0.86–1.01 mm (mean 0.95 mm, n = 24). Ovipositor sheath / head width index 0.76–0.94 (mean 0.82, n=24), lower index values in large females, larger values in small females. Lamnium of lancet / head width: 0.74 / 1.10 = 0.67 (Pihtipudas 7.6.1945), 0.71 / 1.13 = 0.63 (P.-Pirkkala 11.6.1939), 0.76 / 1.16 = 0.66 (P.-Pirkkala 15.6.1935), 0.69 / 1.19 = 0.58 (Vihti 10.6.1962), 0.73 / 1.20 = 0.61 (P.-Pirkkala 13.6.1935), 0.74 / 1.21 = 0.61 (Kilo 29.5.1939), 0.75 / 1.24 =0.60 (Vihti 10.6.1962). Comments. Tubpontania anomaloptera and T. crassispina are apparently closely related to each other. They have dark tegulae and their lancets differ from other species (on annulets 2–5 ctenidia reach aulax and teeth have their basal part distinctly elevated). In Lapland both have been reared from larvae on Salix hastata. Sex ratio. The studied material from South Finland consists of 205 females and 83 males. The proportion of males is thus 29 per cent. Host plants. Salix phylicifolia L. was recorded first by Benander (1969: 92) as the food plant of Pontania tuberculata : at the beginning of July 1966 he found in Edsåsdalen, Jämtland leaf-rolls of the species on that willow and next spring he reared 2 males and 2 females from the larvae. Vikberg (1970: 12) described his ovipositing experiment in May 1965 from Karkkila, Finland; one female laid eggs on Salix phylicifolia , but not on Salix caprea , and leaf-rolls with larvae developed in June. S. hastata L. has been earlier recorded as the host plant of the species under the name Pontania tuberculata (Vikberg 1970, Zinovjev & Vikberg 1999). Kopelke (2007c:175) reared adults of Phyllocolpa tuberculata only from leaf-rolls of Salix hastata and wrote that the species is often attributed to a wrong willow species ( Salix atrocinerea, S. phylicifolia, S. aurita ).This may be incorrect, because the holotype of Nematus ( Pontania ) tuberculatus was described from Lough Mentis, Co. Cavan, Ireland (Benson 1953) and Salix hastata does not occur in British Isles at all. Salix phylicifolia is probably extinct in Ireland, or, at least not recorded there since 1930 (Jalas & Suominen 1976), and there is no record from Co. Cavan. In Ireland Salix pentandra L., S. triandra L., S. atrocinerea Brot., S. aurita L., S. caprea L., S. repens L. and S. purpurea L. occur as native, and Salix fragilis L., S. alba L., S . myrsinifolia Salisb. and S. viminalis L. as introductions. In Ireland the food plant of the larva is unknown but it could be Salix atrocinerea (Benson 1953: the most likely host, Benson 1954). The lectotype of Nematus anomalopterus was collected near Aachen. The food plant of the species there could be Salix atrocinerea its range extends near to that area but the western border is badly known according Jalas & Suominen (1976). Other possible food plants which occur both in Ireland and near Aachen are S. aurita, S. purpurea or S. repens . Further host plants and localities were given by Zinovjev (1993a / b, 1999: 217): Salix myrtilloides L. ( Pontania tuberculata ?, Magadan reg.), Salix saxatilis Turcz. ex Ledeb. ( P. tuberculata ?; Magadan Reg.), Salix hastata (Lower Lena River), Salix starkeana Willd. ( P . cf. tuberculata , Leningrad Reg.), Salix bebbiana Sarg. ( P. tuberculata ?, Magadan Reg.), Salix phylicifolia (Leningrad Reg.), Salix pulchra Cham. ( P. tuberculata ?, galls in Anadyr Basin), Salix boganidensis Trautv. ( P. tuberculata ?, Magadan Reg.), and Salix integra Thunb. ( P . cf. tuberculata , galls in Maritime Province: Kunashir Island). Alexey Zinovjev (pers. comm.) commented about these records, as follows: “Most of these records (outside Europe) were not based on rearing but on larvae and leaf-rolls with the “ tuberculata ” type of feeding. They were named " P. tuberculata ?" more or less arbitrarily. More study (preferably rearing) is needed to confirm the identification.” The specimen of Phyllocolpa tuberculata in Nyman et. al. (2006: 572) was a larva on Salix starkeana from [20 km S] St. Petersburg, Russia collected by A. Zinovjev on 15.6.1997 (date was given wrongly as 15.v.1997). Observations on phenology. Flight period. 190 females with known dates of capture from 12 biogeographical provinces of South Finland, from Varsinais-Suomi to Central Ostrobothnia, are in the collections examined. If they are allocated to five day periods, the following distribution is found: May 12– 16: 5, May 17–21: 16, May 22–26: 25, May 27–31: 24, June 1–5: 35, June 6–10: 57, June 11–15: 17, June 16– 20: 10, June 21–25: 3, June 26–30: 2 females. A Gaussian distribution thus occurs with a peak in the second five day period in June. No females were found in July. There is one generation per year. Larva. The colours of the larva on Salix phylicifolia were briefly described by Benander (1969) and Vikberg (1970). It is easily separated from larva of Tubpontania nudipectus on the same willow species because it lacks longitudinal lateral black stripes on anal tergum. Large larvae eat holes through the leaf, whereas many other species leave the cuticle on upper side intact. Distribution. Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland. Material / specimens examined: Estonia , Vóry, Suur-Munamägi, 1♀ 27.5.1991, leg. M. Nuorteva (CMN), labelled Pontania tuberculata ♀ A. Zinovjev det. 1992. Finland . V (= Varsinais-Suomi): Karjalohja, 1♀ 31.5.1964, leg. O. Ranin (CVV); 1♂ 1♀ 31.5.1964, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV). Lojo, 1♀ 19.6.1916, 1♀ 14.6.1942, leg. Håkan Lindberg (ZMH). Pargas, 2♀, leg. Reuter (ZMH). Pyhäjärvi, 1♀ 30.5.1959, 1♀ 25.5.1960, 1♀ 29.5.1960, 1♀ 19.5.1963, 1♀ 27.5.1965 (ovipositing experiment on Salix phylicifolia ), leg. V. Vikberg (CVV). Vihti, 1♀ 10.6.1951, 1♂ 17.6.1951, 1♀ 9.6.1952, 1♂ 10.6.1962, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH); 1♀ 1958, leg. R. Tuomikoski (CMV); 1♀ 29.5.1960, leg. E. Karvonen (ZMH); 2♀ 10.6.1962, 1♀ 16.6.1962, leg. V. J. Karvonen. Vihti, Siikajärvi, 1♂ 10.6.1951, 2♀ 7.6.1958, 1♂ 30.5.1960, 1♀ 30.5.1966, 1♂ 1♀ 4.6.1966, 1♀ 3.6.1967, 1♂ 25.5.1969, 2♀ 30.5.1970, 1♀ 7.6.1970, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH). U (= Uusimaa): Elimäki, 1♂ 17.5.1936, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Esbo, Grankulla, 1♀ 30.5.1916, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Fredriksberg, 1♀ 1942, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH); 1♂ 20.5.1943, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). Helsinge, 1♂, leg. R. Frey (ZMH); 1♀ 28.5.1960, 1♀ 13.5.1963, 1♀ 5.6.1965, 1♂ 22.5.1967, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). Helsingfors, 1♀ 16.6.1962, 1♂ 2♀ 20.5.1963, 1♀ 25.5.1964, 1♀ 27.5.1964, 1♀ 1.6.1964, 3♀ 10.6.1965, 1♀ 29.5.1967, 1♀ 1.6.1968, 1♀ 30.5.1969, 2♀ 10.6.1969, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). Helsingfors, Botanical garden, 1♀ 17.5.1920, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Helsingfors, Fredriksberg, 1♂ 4.6.1955, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Helsingfors, Mellungsby, 1♀ 1.6.1959, 1♀ 4.6.1959 1♂ 26.5.1962, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Helsingin pitäjä, 1♀ 5.6.1959, 1♀ 17.5.1960, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV). Helsinki, 1♂ 2♀ 1.6.1940, leg. J. Kangas (ZMH); 1♂ 8.6.1941, leg. Y. Kangas (ZMH); 1♀ 27.5.1951, 1♀ 17.5.1959, 1♂ 27.5.1962, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH); 1♂ 31.5.1958, leg. J. Perkiömäki (ZMH); 1♂ 16.5.1959, 1♀ 26.5.1960, 1♂ 20.5.1961, 1♂ 21.5.1962, 1♀ 26.5.1962, 1♂ 1.6.1962, leg. O. Ranin (CVV); 1♀ 30.5.1960, 1♂ 27.5.1962, leg. E. Karvonen (ZMH); 1♂ 1.6.1968, 1♀ 7.6.1968, leg. M. Viitasaari (CMV); 1♀ 29.5.1971, leg. J. Nuorteva (CJN); 1♀ 6.6.1974, leg. M. Nuorteva (CMN); 1♀ 1.6.1978, leg. Eila Karvonen (ZMH). Helsinki (6681:3396), 1♂ 3.6.1970, 3♂ 1♀ 24.5.1971, 1♀ 1.6.1971, leg. M. Viitasaari (CMV). Helsinki, Haaga, 1♀ 6.6.1962, leg. J. Perkiömäki (ZMH). Huopalahti, Munkkiniemi, 1♀ 2.6.1943, leg. A. Saarinen (ZMH). Kallvik, 1♀ 13.5.1959, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). Kilo, 1♀ 29.5.1939, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). Kirkkonummi, 1♂ 5.6.1962, leg. E. Karvonen (ZMH); 2♂ 3♀ 19.5.1963, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH). Kirkkonummi, Siikajärvi, 1♀ 1.6.1952, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH); 1♀ 7.6.1959, 1♀ 26.5.1960, 2♀ 6.6.1962, leg. E. Karvonen (CVV, ZMH); 1♂ 1♀ 22.5.1960, 1♀ 26.5.1960, 2♂ 1♀ 29.5.1960, 1♀ 3.6.1962, 1♂ 14.6.1964, 1♂ 6.6.1965, 1♀ 7.6.1965, 1♀ 20.6.1965, 1♀ 25.5.1969, leg. V. J. Karvonen (CVV, ZMH). Munksnäs, 1♀ 22.5.1936, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Munksnäs, 1♀ 7.6.1918, 1♀ 29.5.1932, 1♀ 23.6.1932, 1♀ 19.5.1934, 1♀ 26.5.1935, 2♀ 16.5.1937, 1♀ 22.5.1938, 3♀ 29.5.1938, 1♀ 18.5.1939, 1♀ 29.5.1940, 1♀ 13.6.1942, 2♀ 3.6.1943, 1♂ 22.5.1952, 1♀ 29.6.1955, 1♂ 31.5.1956, 1♀ 6.6.1956, 1♀ 9.6.1956, 1♂ 1♀ 30.5.1957, 1♂ 2.6.1957, 1♂ 28.5.1958, 1♀ 1.6.1958, 1♀ 4.6.1958, 1♀ 27.5.1959, 1♀ 26.5.1963, 1♀ 11.6.1964, leg. E. Lindqvist (CMV, ZMH). Pasila, 1♀ 3.6.1939, 1♀ 10.6.1939. leg. Winter (ZMH); 1♀ 5.6.1941, 2♀ 11.6.1941, 1♀ 18.5.1949, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH). Tammisaaren pitäjä, Tvärminne, 1♂ 23.5.1963, leg. J. Perkiömäki (ZMH). Tvärminne, 1♂, leg. A. Nordman (ZMH). Westend, 1♂ 2.6.1940, 1♀ 16.6.1949, leg. E. Lindqvist (ZMH). EK (= South Karelia): Vehkalahti, 1♀ 3.6.1978, leg. L. Tiensuu (ZMH). Virolahti (671:355), 1♀ 1.6.1980, leg. J. Kangas (ZMH). St (= Satakunta): Kauvatsa, 1♀ 10.6.1934, leg. Th. Grönblom (ZMH). Noormarkku, 1♀ 31.5.1963, leg. R. Jussila (CMV). EH (= South Häme): Forssa, 2♂ 24.5.1963, 1♂ 10.6.1964, 1♂ 19.6.1964, leg. E. Nylund (FNHM); 1♀ 6.6.1963, leg. M. Nylund (FNHM). Janakkala, Laurinmäki, 1♀ 8.6.2009, leg. V. Vikberg. Janakkala, Punkka, 1♀, 24.5.2009, leg. V. Vikberg. Janakkala, Suurisuo, 1♂ 2♀, 18.5.2009, leg. V. Vikberg. Hattula, 1♀ 15.6.1967, 1♂ 2.6.1968, 1♂ 5.6.1970, 1♀ 26.6.1971, 2♀ 2.6.1979, 676:334 1♀ 3.6.1989, leg. M. Nuorteva (CMN, CMV); 1♀ 2.6.1968, 1♀ 11.6.1968, 1♀ 1.6.1969, 1♀ 8.6.1969, 1♂ 1♀ 9.6.1969, 1♀ 13.6.1970, 1♀ 31.5.1971, 1♂ 2.6.1972, 1♂ 4.6.1973, 1♀ 20.6.1974, 2♂ 1.6.1980, 1♀ 22.5.1983, 1♀ 8.6.1986, 1♂ 21.5.1989, 1♀ 12.5.1990, 1♂ 23.5.1993, l : Published as part of Vikberg, Veli, 2010, European species of Tubpontania gen. nov., a new genus for species of the Pontania crassispina group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: Nematinae), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 2620 on pages 6-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.204635 : {"references": ["Forster, A. (1854) Neue Blattwespen. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens, Neue Folge, 1, 265 - 350, Taf. 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