Periphyllus singeri Borner

Periphyllus singeri (Börner) (Figs 1, 2) Chaetophoria singeri Börner, 1952: 322 Chaetophorella helferi Quednau, 1954: 308 –309 Description. Oviparous female (Fig. 1 a; Table 1). Color of live specimens unknown; mounted specimens yellowish with antennal segments and dorsal sclerites dusky. Body oval,...

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Main Authors: Wieczorek, Karina, Junkiert, Łukasz
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2011
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Summary:Periphyllus singeri (Börner) (Figs 1, 2) Chaetophoria singeri Börner, 1952: 322 Chaetophorella helferi Quednau, 1954: 308 –309 Description. Oviparous female (Fig. 1 a; Table 1). Color of live specimens unknown; mounted specimens yellowish with antennal segments and dorsal sclerites dusky. Body oval, slightly elongate 3.17–3.7 mm long and 0.8–1.05 mm wide. Abdomen with small, oval marginal sclerites, pleural and spinal sclerites partially fused. Dorsal chaetotaxy: setae not arranged in visible rows, pale, pointed, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Head chaetotaxy: pointed hairs 0.175– 0.25 mm long on frontal margin of head, shorter ones 0.075–0.1 arranged into circular row. Antennae (Fig. 1 b) 6 - segmented, long, reaching to abdominal segm. III, 0.65–0.72 times body length. Terminal process (VIb) 3.78–5.2 times base (VIa); other antennal ratios: VIb:III 0.68–0.71, VI:III 0.81–0.89, V:III 0.43–0.46, IV:III 0.44–0.52. Antennal chaetotaxy: segm. I with 6–7 hairs, segm. II with 4–6 hairs, segm. III with 30–33 hairs, segm. IV with 12–15 hairs, segm V with 9–10 hairs. Antennal hairs 0.075–0.175 mm long; the longest antennal hair III 3.5 –4.0 times basal articular diameter of this segment. Longer hair on segm. VIa about 0.1 mm long, shorter hair on segm. VIa about 0.075 mm long, as long as or shorter than basal articular diameter of VIb, reaching primary rhinarium of VIa. Rostrum reaching hind coxae, apical segment of rostrum (ARS) blunt about 0.17–0.2 mm long, with 10–15 secondary hairs (Fig. 1 c), 0.22–0.26 times antennal segment III and 0.77–0.86 times segment II of hind tarsus (HT II). Hind tibiae (Fig. 1 d) without rows of short spinules, with 42–73 circular pseudosensoria; first tarsal chaetotaxy 5: 5: 5, empodial hairs spatulate (Fig. 1 e). Siphunculi pale, 0.1–0.125 mm long, with 2–3 rows of reticulation in apical part (Fig. 1 f). Cauda broadly rounded, about 0.25 mm wide, with 9–11 pointed hairs 0.1–0.175 mm long (Fig. 1 g). Measurements in mm of one oviparous female (OEH, 8268 - 5). Body: 3.40, ant.: 2.35, ant. segm. (III–VI): 0.75: 0.37: 0.35:(0.14 + 0.53), ARS: 0.2, HT II: 0.23. No. Body Antenna antennal segments ARS HT II III IV V VIa+VIb 1 3.17 2.09 0.67 0.30 0.30 0.12 + 0.48 0.17 0.22 2 3.35 2.42 0.76 0.40 0.33 0.10–0.52 0.17 0.23 3 3.40 2.35 0.75 0.37 0.35 0.14–0.53 0.20 0.22 4 3.70 2.45 0.77 0.38 0.34 0.12–0.54 0.19 0.22 Description. Alate male . Color of live specimens unknown; mounted specimens yellowish with dorsal sclerites and genitalia dusky. Body elongate 2.58–2.85 mm long and 1.0– 1.12 mm wide. Abdominal tergites with marginal and spino-pleural sclerites, among them small, intersegmental plates (Fig. 2 a). Dorsal chaetotaxy: setae not arranged in visible rows, pale, less numerous and shorter than in oviparous female, pointed, 0.075–0.1 mm long, the longest ones about 0.2 mm long on abdominal segments V–VIII. Head chaetotaxy (Fig. 2 b): few pointed 0.15– 0.22 mm long hairs. Antennae (Fig. 2 c) long, reaching to abdominal segment VI, 0.87–1.05 times body length. VIb 5.28–5.7 times VIa; other antennal ratios: VIb:III 0.87 –1.0, VI:III 1.03–1.26, V:III 0.46–0.48, IV:III 0.61–0.64. Antennal chaetotaxy: segm. I with 4–5 hairs, segm. II with 4 hairs, segm. III with 29–34 hairs, segm. IV with 11– 13 hairs, segm. V with 9–13 hairs. Antennal hairs 0.06–0.125 mm long; the longest antennal hair III 4.5 –5.0 times basal articular diameter of this segment. Longer hair on segm. VIa about 0.1 mm long, shorter hair on segm. VIa about 0.05 mm long, about 2.0 times basal articular diameter of VIb. Segment III with 59–62, segm. IV with 32– 40, segm. V with 20–21 circular rhinaria. Rostrum short, reaching to second coxae, ARS short and blunt, 0.18–0.19 mm long, with 10–15 secondary hairs (Fig. 2 d), 0.27–0.30 times antennal segment III and 0.90–1.05 times HT II. Distal parts of hind tibiae with weak visible rows of short spinules; first tarsal chaetotaxy 5: 5: 5, empodial hairs spatulate (Fig. 2 e). Fore wings typical, with normal venation, media with 3 branches, pterostigma pale. Siphunculi pale, 0.055–0.06 mm long, uniformly reticulate (Fig. 2 f). Cauda broadly rounded, about 0.175 mm wide, with about 6–7 pointed hairs 0.06–0.125 mm long (Fig. 2 g). Genitalia well developed, strongly sclerotized. Measurements in mm of one alate male (OEH, 8270 - 10) Body: 2.58, ant.: 2.27, ant. segm. (III–VI): 0.65: 0.42: 0.3:(0.1 + 0.57), ARS: 0.18, HT II: 0.2. Material examined. DENMARK , Emdrup NEZ, 29.x. 1993, Acer pseudoplatanus , 4 oviparous females (OEH, 8268 -5, 8268-7, 8269- 5), 2 males (OEH, 8270 -10, 8270- 12), in ZMK. Distribution. Austria, Haller Mauern, Sattleralm (Börner & Franz, 1956: 311); Denmark, Copenhagen, NEZ (Heie, 1995: 171); Germany, Berlin-Grunewald (Quednau, 1954: 308); Lithuania, Curonian Spit-Juodkrante (Rakauskas et al. , 2008: 101); The Netherlands (Blackman & Eastop, 1994: 819); Ukraine, Radjanski Karpaty- Javirnik Mt., Grabovec (Mamontova-Solukha, 1966: 4). Biology. This species lives on A. pseudoplatanus , on branches and old wounds on the bark of large tree-trunks, usually in large colonies attended by Lasius fuliginosus (Latreille) (Heie, 1982). The sexuales were observed from October to November (Heie, 1995). : Published as part of Wieczorek, Karina & Junkiert, Łukasz, 2011, Description of sexuales of Periphyllus singeri (Börner) (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea: Chaitophorinae), pp. 63-68 in Zootaxa 2872 on pages 63-67, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208045 : {"references": ["Borner, C. (1952) Europae Centralis Aphides. Die Blattlause Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen. 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(1994) Aphids on the World trees. An identification and Information guide. J. Wiley & Sons. 446 pp.", "Mamontova-Solukha, V. A. (1966) Popelicy (Homoptera, Aphidinea) Radjanskich Karpat. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 12 pp.", "Heie, O. E. (1982) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. II. The family Drepanosiphidae. Klampenborg, Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, Sciandinavian Science Press LTD, 11, 175 pp."]}