Globorentonium globulum Lawrence & Slipinski, 2013, sp. n.

Globorentonium globulum sp. n. (Figs 1 C–F, 2) Diagnosis. This species may be distinguished from its two congeners by the vestiture of long, recumbent hairs forming a swirling pattern, the outer edge of the protibia lined with close-set, short spines, the vaguely indicated sutures separating the bas...

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Main Authors: Lawrence, John F., Slipinski, Adam
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2013
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Summary:Globorentonium globulum sp. n. (Figs 1 C–F, 2) Diagnosis. This species may be distinguished from its two congeners by the vestiture of long, recumbent hairs forming a swirling pattern, the outer edge of the protibia lined with close-set, short spines, the vaguely indicated sutures separating the basal abdominal ventrites, the presence of a crescentic impression on the gulamentum and the more elongate third antennomere. Description. Length 0.95–1.12 mm. Body length 1.13–1.28 times greatest width. Head strongly declined, about 1.17 times as great as width behind eyes and somewhat flattened with strongly curved, sharp occipital ridge ending at posterior edges of eyes, which are about 0.33 times as long as head, moderately prominent and coarsely facetted. Frontoclypeal suture absent. Antenna about 1.25 times as long as head width, 10 -segmented with 1 - segmented club; pedicel about 0.75 times as long as scape and 2 times as long as wide; antennomere 3 about 0.67 times as long as and pedicel and 1.5 times as long as wide; antennomeres 4–9 gradually shorter and broader, 8 and 9 being strongly transverse; terminal antennomere about 1.33 times as long as wide and broadly rounded at apex. Gulamentum (Fig. 2 B) with a short, crescentic, mesal impression lying just in front of transverse groove. Pronotum 0.43–0.53 times as long as wide; posterior angles more or less right. Prosternal process apically rounded. Scutellar shield often concealed. Elytra about 0.67–0.86 times as long as combined width and 1.43–2.08 times as long as pronotum; epipleuron narrow, strongly oblique, extending almost to apex. Mesocoxal cavities separated by 0.8 times shortest diameter of one cavity; apex of mesoventrite truncate. Shortest length of metaventrite about 1.5 times shortest diameter of mesocoxal cavity, with pair of straight postcoxal lines extending from lateral fourth of mesocoxal cavity to posterolateral corner of ventrite. Protibia (Fig. 2 D) widest at apical third, with outer edge rounded and completely lined with close-set, short spines; metatibia gradually expanded apically with contiguous setae at apex. Tarsomeres 1–4 with several long setae beneath. Abdomen (Fig. 2 A) with 5 ventrites, the first 4 of which are fused with divisions between them incomplete or absent;; shortest length of ventrite 1 longer than that of 2–4 combined; ventrites 1–4 tumid along midline, so that a broad, longitudinal shelf is formed. Segment IX in male with moderately long, slender spiculum gastrale. Aedeagus (Figs. 6 A–C) with tegmen about 5 times as long as wide, with moderately long, slender, apically truncate basal strut lined with paired baculi; parameres short and broad, separate, but fused to phallobase; penis 7 times as long as wide, apically acute. Ovipositor about 1.1 times as long as wide at base. Distribution . The species is relatively common in forested parts of Tasmania and Victoria, and in the Brindabella Ranges in the Australian Capital Territory. Type specimens: Holotype , male: Australia: Tasmania : Big Sassy Creek (42.42 S, 146.52 E), 400m, 17.v. 1989, rotten log, J. Diggle (ANIC). Paratypes: Tasmania : Big Sassy Creek (42.42 S, 146.52 E), 400m, 17.v. 1989, rotten log, J. Diggle (1, ANIC); same locality, 12.v. 1989, leaf litter, rainforest, P. Greenslade (3, ANIC); same locality, 12.v. 1989, pyrethrin knockdown Atherospermum , J. Diggle (1, ANIC); Big Sassy Creek (42.42 S, 146.52 E), 1, Near Weldborough (41.10 S, 147.08 E), 20–25.ii. 1993, Nothofagus forest, pitfall, J. Trueman et al . (3, ANIC); The Gap, Florentine Rd., 15 km WNW Maydena, 600m, 1.ii. 1980, berlesed from leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Hastings State Reserve, near Newdegate Cave, 130m, 9.ii. 1980, trapped in floating debris, forest stream, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC). Hellyer Gorge, N side, 8 road km N Parrawe, 280m, 18.ii. 1980, berlesed from leaf litter (1, ANIC); Huon River, A. M. Lea (10, SAM); Lake St. Clair, west side, c 750m, 25– 29.i. 1980, Nothofagus etc., berl. leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, FMNH); Lower Gordon River (42.42 S, 145.48 E – 42.41 S, 145.49 E), HEC Survey, moss, Howard, Hill (1, ANIC); 20km NW Maydena, 700ft., 14.ii. 1977, litter, J. Kethley (1, FMNH); 22km NW Maydena, 700ft., 15.ii. 1977, litter, J. Kethley (1, FMNH); 32km NW Maydena, 700ft., 19.ii. 1977, litter, J. Kethley (2, FMNH); Mt. Field Nat. Park, near SE end Lake Fenton, 1000m, 30.i– 5.ii. 1980, Nothofagus gunnii , Richea spp., Phyllocladus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC, FMNH); Mt. Michael (41.11 S, 148.00E), 740m, 27–28.xi. 1989, pyrethrum knockdown, R. Coy (6, ANIC, MVM); Mt. Mangana, Bruny I. (43.21 S, 147.13 E), 4.iv. 1989, moss on live trees, J. Diggle (1, ANIC); Mt. Victoria (41.20 S, 147.50 E), 900m, 23,25. xi. 1989, pyrethrum knockdown, R. Coy, H. Mitchell (6, ANIC, AMS); Mt. Wellington, A. M. Lea (1, SAM); Mt. Wellington, i. 1947, C. Oke (2, MVM); Peters Link Rd. (41.08 S, 148.07 E), 20–25.ii. 1993, dry sclerophyll, pitfall, J. Trueman et al . (1, ANIC); Peters Link Rd. (41.08.30S, 148.07.24E), 20–27.v. 1993, dry sclerophyll, litter, J. Trueman et al. (5, ANIC, QMB); Sandspit River (42.09 S, 147.55 E), 1989, rainforest, pyrethrin knockdown Atherospermum , J, Diggle, P. Greenslade (1, ANIC); Schulhofs Rd., 8.7 km NE Upper Blessignton (41.26 S, 147.36 E), 870m, 16.i– 1.ii. 1993, site 914, FMHD 93 - 43, ex window trap, Euc. delicatensis , Euc. obliqua forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Simons Rd. (41.21 S, 147.31 E), wilt area, 8.iii. 1989, leaf litter, J. Diggle (1, ANIC); Weldborough, 4.4 km SE, 460m, 12–14.ii. 1980, berlesed from leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC). Victoria : Acheron Gap (37.41 S, 145.44 E), NE of Warburton, 750m, 27.i– 9.ii. 1987, Nothofagus cunninghamii & Eucalyptus regnans , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC, FMNH); Acheron Gap, nr. Warburton, 750m, 28–30.iv. 1978, Nothofagus litter, S. & J. Peck (3, ANIC); Baw Baw Alpine Reserve (37.51 S, 146.15 E), 1.2km NE Neulynes Mill, 1145m, 28.i– 10.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll, Nothofagus cunninghamii, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, FMNH); Baw Baw Alpine Reserve (37.51 S, 146.15 E), 0.7km NE Neulynes Mill, 1035m, 26.ii. 1993, Eucalyptus delegatensis , Nothofagus cunninghamii, pyrethrin fogging fungusy Eucalyptus logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (4, FMNH, ANIC); Bogong Nat. Park, 5km E Strawberry Saddle (36.57 S, 147.21 E), 1450m, 22.i– 13.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll forest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Cement Creek, Warburton, 670m, 10–17.i. 1980, Nothofagus cunninghamii etc. berl. leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (3, ANIC); Cement Creek (37.43 S, 1454.42 E), N of Warburton, 670m, 26.i– 11.ii. 1987, Eucalyptus regnans & Nothofagus cunninghami , pyrethrin fogging old fugusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (7, ANIC, FMNH); Cement Creek (37.43 S, 1454.42 E), N of Warburton, 625m, 25.i– 11.ii. 1987, Eucalyptus regnans & Nothofagus cunninghamii , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC); Cobb Hill, 1.4 km SE Bonang, Goonmirk Range, 24.xi. 1985, ANIC Berl. 1045, litter under tree ferns, J. & N. Lawrence (1, ANIC); Cobon North Coupe (VAUS Exp. Study) (37.23 S, 148.56 E), 15–22.i. 1992, pitfall traps, R. Coy (1, ANIC); Cobon North Coupe (VAUS Exp. Study) (37.23 S, 148.56 E), 17–25.iii. 1992, pitfall traps, R. Coy (1, ANIC); Cobon North Coupe (VAUS Exp. Study) (37.23 S, 148.56 E), 29.iv– 6.v. 1992, pitfall traps, R. Coy (2, ANIC, MVM); Cobon South Coupe (VAUS Exp. Study) (37.25 S, 148.56 E), 19–26.ii. 1992, pitfall traps, R. Coy (1, ANIC); Balook, iv. 1958, C. Oke (1, MVM); Coranderrk Reserve, SE Healesville, c 240m, 13.i. 1980, Eucalyptus -tree ferns, berl. leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC, FMNH); Cumberland Ck., 13 km ESE of Marysville, 18.i. 1978, berlesed from log & leaf litter, J. Lawrence, T. Weir (3, ANIC); Cumberland Scenic Reserve (37.34 S, 145.53 E), Cora Lynn Falls, SW Cambarville, 880m, 5.ii. 1987, Eucalyptus regnans , Nothofagus cunninghamii , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (3, FMNH); Errinundra Nat. Park, Coast Range Rd., 8.8km E Jct. Gunmark Rd. (37.17 S, 148.57 E), 1020m, 24.ii. 1993, cool temperate rainforest, pyrethrin fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (3, ANIC, FMNH); Errinundra Nat. Park, Coast Range Rd., 8.8km E Jct. Gunmark Rd. (37.17 S, 148.57 E), 1020m, 11.ii. 1993, cool temperate rainforest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC, FMNH); Errinundra Plateau, Gap Rd., 2.5 km E Bonang Hwy. (37.15 S, 148.47 E), 24.ii. 1993, 820m, Eucalyptus nitens , E. regnans , pyrethrin fogging fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC, FMNH); Haines Junction (38.39 S, 143.42 E), 1.9 km W on Turtons Track, 525m, 26.i– 8.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll forest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (21, ANIC, FMNH, MVM, NHML); Kallista, Sherbrooke Forest Park, 400–500m, 15.i. 1980, wet sclerophyll forest, berl. leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC); Keppel Falls Scenic Res. (37.29 S, 145.50 E), ENE Marysville, Myrtle Loop Track, 780m, 16.ii. 1993, FMHD 93-104, berl. Leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Lind Nat. Park, Euchre Valley at Olive Branch Creek, 140m, 23.ii. 1993, FMHD 23-118, riparian forest, berl. leaf and log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (4, ANIC, FMNH); Mt. Donna Buang summit, 1250m, 14–17.i. 1980, berlesed from leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Mt. Stirling, Circuit S of Telephone Box Jct. (37.07 S, 146.28 E), 1270 m, 18.ii. 1993, FMHD 93-115, Eucalyptus delegatensis grassy forest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (4, FMNH); Mt. Worth Nat. Park (38.17 S, 146.00E), Trevorrows Mill, 300m, 10.ii. 1987, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2, ANIC, FMNH); Myrtle Gully Res., NW of Warburton (37.43 S, 145.38 E), 1000m, 30.i– 9.ii. 1987, Nothofagus cunninghamii & Eucalyptus regnans , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Olinda Falls, near Olinda, c 350m, 15.i. 1980, Eucalyptus, berl. leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (6, ANIC, FMNH); Otway Nat. Park, Maits Rest (38.45 S, 143.33 E), 260m, 25.i– 2.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll, Nothofagus cunninghami , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Otway Nat. Park, Bin Rd., 4.3km N Cape Horn (38.43 S, 143.35 E), 8.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll forest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, FMNH); 6.1km ESE Tanjil Bren (37.50 S, 146.12 E), 10.ii. 1987, wet sclerophyll forest, berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (9, ANIC, FMNH); Tarra Bulga Nat. Park (38.26 S, 146.34 E), Bolga, 600m, near suspension bridge, 7.ii. 1987, Eucalyptus regnans and Nothofagus , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); 2.2 km NE Warburton on Acheron Way (37.44 S, 145.43 E), 320m, 15.ii. 1993, FMHD 93-101, Eucalyptus regnans forest, with Acacia dealbata , berl. leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (7, ANIC, FMNH); 2.2km NE Warburton on Acheron Way (37.44 S, 145.43 E), 320m, 27.ii. 1993, Eucalyptus regnans forest, with Acacia dealbata , pyrethrin fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, FMNH); Wilson’s Promontory Nat. Park, Lilly Pilly Tr., 14.v. 1978, log litter & fungi, S. & J. Peck (2, ANIC); Wilson’s Promontory Nat. Park, Lilly Pilly Tr., 14.v. 1978, Eugenia litter, S. & J. Peck (2, ANIC); Wilson’s Promontory Nat. Park, Lilly Pilly Tr., 15.v. 1978, leaf & log litter, S. & J. Peck (1, ANIC); Wilson’s Promontory Nat. Park, Sealers Cove Tr., 13.v. 1978, leaf & log litter, S. & J. Peck (1, ANIC). Australian Capital Territory : Blundell’s Creek (35.22 S, 148.50 E), 3km E Piccadilly Circus, 850m, ii, iii, iv, v, viii, ix. 1984, flight intercept window/trough trap, T. A. Weir, J. F. Lawrence, M. L. Johnson (19, ANIC, NMNH); Blundell’s Creek (35.22 S, 148.50 E), 3km E Piccadilly Circus, 850m, i, ii, iv, v, vii, viii. 1985, flight intercept window/trough trap, T. A. Weir, J. F. Lawrence, M. L. Johnson (25, ANIC, NZAC, CAS); Blundell’s Creek (35.22 S, 148.50 E), 3km E Piccadilly Circus, 850m, 7.ix. 1986, J. F. Lawrence (2, ANIC); Blundell’s Ck.-Lee Ck. area, Brindabella Ra., 1979–1981, C. R/. Dickman (1, ANIC); Mt. Gingera, 1 km N (35.35 S, 148.47 E), 18.ii. 1981, ANIC Berlesate 699, moss, A. Calder (1, ANIC); 1 km N Mt. Gingera (35.33 S, 147.47 E), 18.ii. 1981, ANIC Berl. 691, moss, A. Calder (1, ANIC); Wombat Creek (35.19 S, 148.51 E), 6km NE Piccadilly Circus, 750m, ii,iii, 1984, flight intercept window/trough trap, T. A. Weir, J. F. Lawrence, M. L. Johnson (9, ANIC, CNC); Wombat Creek (35.19 S, 148.51 E), 6km NE Piccadilly Circus, 750m, vii. 1985,, flight intercept window/trough trap, T. A. Weir, J. F. Lawrence, M. L. Johnson (1, ANIC). New South Wales : Leather Barrel Creek, picnic area, Kosciusko Nat. Park (36.32 S, 148.11 E), 1080m, FMHD 93-117, berl. Leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); South Ramshead, Kosciusko Nat. Park, 1850m, iii. 1982, pitfalls, K. Green (1, ANIC). Distribution . Tasmania, Victoria, Kosciusko National Park, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Etymology . Like that of the genus, the specific epithet refers to the globular shape of the beetle. : Published as part of Lawrence, John F. & Slipinski, Adam, 2013, Globorentonium, a new genus of rentoniine Trogossitidae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) from Australia and Brazil, pp. 257-270 in Zootaxa 3710 (3) on pages 260-264, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.3.4,